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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptySun Aug 22, 2021 8:07 pm

Also Sandra's pfp is ugly. Why can't Jerry go after middle players like her? Shouldn't he want to be the ONLY one in the middle so he can keep skating by???

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptySun Aug 22, 2021 10:35 pm

My mood is horrid rn tbh. My game is messy and it's showing in the nominations. I went from a clean, strong game in Season 6, to something a little messier in Season 8 but still decent enough with diverse styles throughout. This game? Probability is not always in my favor anymore. Or when it IS, the results end up coming out poorly anyway. This week is a true refelction of my poor social game, and honestly, I think people are right when they tell me my game is getting worse and worse. I know it is. I think I'm a little burnt out or softer or something but I just don't feel like my game is there rn. Sure, I can win a comp, but I'm relying too much on comps this game. When people say I am in other games, I rebuke that because I can objectively tell when I am or am not playing a well-rounded game, and I know I often am, like Posey's All Stars, idc, I know it was well rounded. But this game? They'd be right. I'm relying too much on comps and it's showing weak game. I know I can turn this around. But my two best allies to have around (since they're not in need of being weakened rn) are literally going to be on the block next to each other and there's nothing I can do about it. Sure, Squirt is unreliable, but he's MY ally. Just like Webkinz. Maybe I should have spent money on him. Who knows. That vote was a lose/lose lol, it didn't affect the next week that much. But still.

Idk, I'm a bit demoralized and I feel my game is not all-stars worthy rn. I'm sure I'll bounce back but idk. I'm not feeling great about it. I need to get my head in it, so I'll stop wallowing in a few and focus on securing Ember's safety. At this point I need her to take out that ugly rat.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 3:53 am

At this point going forward, I don't trust Sandra at all since she ratted me out to Debbie, and now I also have to be wary of Debbie if she knows I voted her out and lied. I shouldn't have lied, that was a major mistake on my part, I bet I've massively plummeted in her trust rankings now. Not great. Either way, I made my bed, I have to lie in it (lol lie, I'm really a lying piece of shit all season lmfaoo). I think my best bet to repair my relationship with Debbie is to win HOH and come clean then. I wish she'd just confront me so I could come clean in a more natural manner. If I have to I could copy and paste my vote, but my worry is everyone know I'm dramatic and WOULD write paragraphs for evictees... Whatever, it's an option.

Either way, moving forward, I think my best option is to nominate Jerry/Kim, and if one comes down, it has to be NTW. I'm acting gullible with Sandra, so I think she won't come for me, or at the least she'll keep throwing and throwing, and after I take care of Jerry/Kim, then I can gun for NTW/Sandra.

For now, I really do hope that Ember/Jennifer/Debbie can take each other out. Debbie has seen action from me so I'd hope I can convince her, meanwhile Jenn is over aligned and it's annoying. At this point I need to focus on making sure Sam knows more about what Jenn is up to just in case he doesn't know everything (though let's be real, Jenn talks a lot, especially to him, so who knows).

I think I'm in a weird spot. I have a good bit of numbers on my side, but I bet I'm Dorothy's most expendable since she seems rather high maintenance and notices when people don't answer her fast, and I'm the WORST at answering fast... lmfao. So for me, Dorothy will have to be the first to go from our Six. For Sam, I'd bet it's the same. Or Max. For Max and Ember, I think their biggest concern is going to be Jennifer. Jennifer seems to want Ember or Dorothy gone first, so I'd like to push her more toward Dorothy. I feel like if she wins one more HOH and she can't hit Debbie, she's going to strike at us, which isn't great. I really hope I can rebuild with Debbie so I'm not on the block with Jenn, because her Veto abilities are very strong, and also her social game is largely impeccable, so I'd hate to be up against that. The only good scenario would be me winning veto and having an excuse for her to go, but I'd also not love that. Also, relying on comp wins is getting gross, so I'd prefer to not have another mar on my resume about needing a Veto. At least the last times I was on the block I believe I would have survived the vote. Going forward? Not so sure. I need HOH soon to reasjust, so I'm praying Theodora week is coming, because I'm confident I can win my own comps.

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 12:25 pm

I think I need to a win HOH for a multitude of reasons at this point, one of which is to repair my relationship to Debbie, another one of which is to get BBQ bucks and therefore be able to buy two daiquiris if I am ever up again (I was considering getting the silver VIP pass, but the price is simply too much, by the time I have 800, there is no way I would have enough to also get one of the immunity powers on top of that. If it works on voting powers, then great, but I don’t think it says anything about that in there, so at this point a bronze would even be better, but bronze drinks are unlimited anyway, so there’s literally no appeal). I think two daiquiris are my best bet in terms of price vs value, so if I hit 800 soon, I’ll be thrilled. I’m at nearly 600 after Squirt’s transfer (which I’m not going to tell anyone about, I’m going to pretend he sent it to Tony).
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 1:33 pm

Socializing is so hard this season idk why. Like... I don't have much to talk about, we can't all talk as much as Negasonic General Thoughts  - Page 5 1f62d
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 4:35 pm

One thing I need to keep track of is who has the most money this season. I wasted money on a Manhattan and an Amaretto Sour, so I have no where near the most, and Squirt's 179 is all well and good, but I know I could have more. I'm glad I scammed Ember and Max out of a little more money than necessary earlier in this game.

Dorothy has a ton. She also likely has a nullifier.

Max has a TON.

NTW, Jerry, and Sandra likely have the MOST. NTW and Sandra in particular. They have not spent their money, and they do their due diligence in terms of DR's and Trust Ranks I'm sure based on their activity levels.

Kim and Tony have spent a lot of theirs I believe, so that's less pressing.

Not really going to do much with this information rn, but I do believe putting up two people with a lot of money is beneficial to flush a bunch out. Sandra/NTW noms would be beautiful, and Jerry/Sandra noms from Ember is perfect. I think I still have to do Kim/Jerry to minimize blood (I'm not in a social position to give any others reason to go after me while they are still here), but in the future, NTW and Sandra need to go up and both waste a ton of money, and I won't name a target on purpose so that they can flounder and everyone can have a divide created deciding between them. It will be a chaotic round with many feeling close to them, and it will reveal so much. It's risky, but I think would 100% pay off.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 4:38 pm

I'm also wondering where I am in people's trust ranks. If I had to guess where I am:

1. Max Gentile -- 4ish
2. Ember McLaine -- 2ish
3. Jennifer Check -- 3rd
4. Sam Gardner -- 3ish or 4ish
5. Debbie Jellinsky -- 6ish
6. Dorothy Gale -- 6ish
7. Sandra Bullock -- 6ish
8. Negasonic Teenage Warhead -- 10ish
9. Tony Stark -- 9ish
10. Kim Ki-Jung -- 11th
11. Jerry the Mouse -- 10th
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 2:31 am

I am beyond frustrated with myself right now, because honestly, so many things went wrong today. My alliance is literally FOUTTE. We are the fucking Hive. It's slightly horrendous.

Mistake one: Jennifer "i dOnT tRuSt DoRoThY" Check decides to not post what her fucking color is in the room. Therefore Max "i DiDnT kNoW wHiCh CoLoR" Gentile is like hmm. Y'know what I should do? Earn a point and NOT check my private rooms, and NOT wait a minute (when there are 2 minutes) to see which color to take. Communication at its finest.

Mistake two: I get a point and can take out Sandra or Debbie, and take out Sandra because Debbie and I already exchanged colors, and I feel safer with her, and I figure SOMEONE will fucking take out her last star. Dorothy still had 2, for Christ's sake, and Ember and Jenn and Max and Sam are all USELESS. I did a bit of damage in the comp, but not enough. Not knowing Sarah Beth's last name was Steagall cost me. I would have taken out Debbie since she AGREED and Dorothy would have had to show her cards. At least she was nominated, now she has clear big targets. If Debbie/Tony are up, I can safely evict Tony, and it's whatever. Then Debbie can take out Jenn, and then I can take out Debbie after.

Mistake three: I would have allowed Debbie to win the Veto. She was first in 2468 because of my score. She was second in Flappy Bird because of my score. IF I HAD SENT HER MY STACK SCORE, SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN FIRST FOR STACK INSTEAD OF LAST, AND SHE WOULD HAVE WON BY A LANDSLIDE. Fuck. Like. Literally, I had faith in Debbie to do it, and she didn't. Maybe Jenn would have been Backdoored anyway, but... Maybe I could have talked her out of it. And then she rushed that renom too! Like fuck, I needed to talk to her! I'm so... so many small mistakes cost us today.

Side note: Fuck NTW! Yeah I know I'm not slick and I don't message u! I forget and I get busy!! I have other targets!! You weren't my renom, but you will be now, Sandra can stay, she's useless as hell!! I wish I had her in this vote though.

That's another reason I need Sam to leave. He was always listed as my first to go in the group because he is close to Jenn and Sandra, and EYE am close to Jenn and Sandra (Sandra only to an extent), and I need them more isolated, because they are HIGHLY social.

I'm going to kill that rat Jerry. Have some loyalty to her. I'm begging. It's Jury, I know your Jury Management sucks FIRST HAND, but please keep her....

I think I'm going to cry if Jenn leaves... Something about Octavia Blake and Jennifer Check got me all sentimental. I love them. I don't want to lose her. I really really don't. She is a shield, Sam is not. She will take SWINGS. Sam will too, but only if he wins. I love Sam too, but he's not Jenn. He has more outside connections that are reliable, Jenn's abandon her in her time of need, and without her here, I am the next BIG fish in the alliance, it's horrible, and if there's one thing I can count on at this point, it's for my allies to keep losing when I need them to win. Oh yeah, that reminds me: Fuck u Dorothy for your stupid ass, dumb ass, wack ass answers in HOH. What was that? What search end did u use? Yahoo from your grandma's basement via Internet Explorer? And Fuck you Ember for being slow as shit. And Fuck you Max for taking Jenn out of the comp instead of DEBBIE. Fuck you Sam for your ZERO points. Fuck you Sandra for throwing! And Fuck your sad face emoji in our room, yeah I saw your color, and yeah I was ignoring you!! and fuck YOU STEVE FOR FUCKING FAILING WHEN U NEEDED TO DO WELL. Fuck you. Like?? One more point. One more fucking point and it would have been fine and Dorothy could have shown her cards. I can win Vetoes, but I was useless in this, and I should have been better. It's on me at the end of the day. I'm frustrated. (Also to anyone reading this I'm just being dramatic, I know these noms are not the end of the world, and it had to happen eventually, but it's just a sucky week).

Idk if I should waste money on a power. I want to save money to get two Daquiris for myself if I need them eventually. But I'm thinking about how BAD Sam is at comps. And how LITTLE of a shield he is. And how CLOSE he is to Sandra........ Dorothy can u pls come through and nullify or some shit...
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 9:56 am

I will cry.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 10:55 am

Sandra Bullock wrote:
No joke I was listening to the songs yesterday and I thought to myself, “this playlist could use some Veronicas”

WHY SHE WANNA BE ME SO BAD!! She's me but more awkward and depressed- oh wait no she's me.

(Side note: flip floppy bitch! Is this how I come off to people in games usually? Damn, I hate me too all of a sudden!)

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 12:35 pm

Sold my soul to Jerry... like c'mon dude. You will be in a good spot if you flip. Genuinely. You're at the bottom of the others. Sure, you're at the bottom of us too, but WE are getting picked off, and you cannot beat NTW/Debbie's positioning. No one will be shooting at u if u flip. It is about repercussions at this stage of the game, FUCK trust. Position yourself. If you fuck this up, I swear to god... Theodora week is coming, and so am I, rat <3 (Al love, but god I want u out if you fuck this. Mark my words.) (This will be embarrassing if I fail. But I won't. My notes are impeccable and will be even more refined after work. Didn't do the movie yet, but I am hoping I have another day. You're. A. Dead. Rat. Please. Keep. Her.)
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 1:01 pm

I hope they really did waste their money on a vote steal. I fucking hope they did. I hope me saying we are using powers served us well. I'll laugh my ass off. Waste your resources so I can bury you, besties. Game. On.

I'm going to have about 800 after this I think. Thank you Squirt & Jenn. If I'm on the block, that's two Daquiris xoxo. I'll be safe as fuck and ready to retaliate. They better be careful now!! I feel sick to my stomach but I'm also hyper-focused.

I'm fired up for HOH. I will win. Gimme Theo week. She's coming babes.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 2:28 pm

This round is called Follow My Lead. I was hoping for Theodora week, but this is just as good. If there is one thing I'm good at, it's reading comprehension and understanding rules that others r still questioning. I love calling people stupid bitches for not understanding the rules. This is perfect. (Also, a very unique theme might I add. I love the creativity and am up for the challenge. A bitch be reading!!)

Anticipating a hidden-instruction-in-the-rules type veto, or just something super long and complicated. I'm a REALLY fast reader. So I'm beyond ready. I'm super excited. I want to win more than anything. I can't let the rat win.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 3:31 pm

They will burn.

Mark. My. Words.

My game is messy. It's gone though a lot of loss and a lack of control. But my Jury Management is pretty strong. I have money to keep me safe which I can attribute to social game, not comp ability. And I can spin my speech at F2 to center around adaptability. What makes an all star? Adaptability and versatility. Would I vote for an underdog? Idk. I like a strong, controlled game. I love control and witnessing a strong grasp on the game. But not everyone votes like that. A different narrative is salvageable, and my tightness to my allies will benefit me. I will keep acting selfless, but I'm here for me. I will end Jerry. Then Negasonic. Then Kim. Then Debbie maybe. Preferably someone else can do that though. Then Tony. Tony and Debbie are interchangeable. I'm. Ready.

All I do is study my notes, study the music, and not sleep. Let's do this shit.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 25, 2021 1:49 pm

All I do in this game is eat hot chip and lie. Now I'm telling Jerry that my bestie is Dorothy. LMAO. Like? Yes, trying to get the target off of Ember in a way, but also trying to get Dorothy to be a vote to keep Jerry. I think the other side should keep Jerry. Which is ideal. No matter what, Kim should flush a power, which is great too. I'd like noms to stay the same, but Jerry is right, it's Final 10 after this week, and it's getting to a point where NTW has a small pool of targets to choose from, and it might be Dorothy or Ember or Max... but it might be me. I think she likes my candor, but I don't trust her, and she could BD me. I know she has comp skills, so I have to be wary. Debbie is becoming less and less of a concern for me, because I made sure to talk about noms with her the entire time, so I'm thinking keeping her so tightly in the loop fosters more trust with me over Ember. I need her as a target, I don't... really need Ember... but she could win next week and make some waves, that would be great, thnx bby! That's why I threw but not HARD. Like... she would have likely made easy noms for her. But I want her to be bloodier.
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