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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 12, 2021 2:49 pm

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 12, 2021 3:23 pm

I've made a deal with Debbie now and we will not go after each other until Jury. Debbie winning Veto is honestly flawless for me, because Cruella was lowkey more threatening due to her being a little more UTR, Debbie more of a glaring shield. Jenn is in danger though and can't nom her again, which sucks, but hopefully Dorothy can take that shot eventually, because I'm not doing it.

I think we're going to need a Triple Vote this round.

I trust in the 6 and webkinz but no one else. I like Sandra lately too. I'm going to write more later. But this is going to be a good round and I think swapping stories with Jenn makes me seem less like me.

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyFri Aug 13, 2021 7:59 pm

My allies rn. Jenn’s HOH was incredible in theory, but a DPOV and our Silly Ass Six unable to buy it fast enough before the other side did, we wasted our money on a triple vote (okay, that’s not that bad because at least the others can’t get it and it pressured ppl to vote to keep Ember), but but still a bit of a waste. Would’ve been better to steal the DPOV, but it is what it is.

But either way, Jenn renoms JAIDA. Jaida. What the fuck is Jaida doing? Tony is right there. Ted is right there. But she puts up fucking Jaida so fast instead of waiting and letting us get our shit together. Fucking stupid and the hugest waste of a week ever. Kinda funny she spent money on a DPOV which fucked her tho. Glad Ted wasted money too. Debbie is a queen at least giving me (maybe fake maybe not) info. That’s my showmance now I’m not touching her. Also she’s so fucking funny.

As for my allies… this HOH is endurance clearly, and likely the same battleback is BBE, meaning powers can be given and distributed…. AKA FUCK ME. FUCK MY ALLIES. FUCK EVERYONE. It’s fucking me against the fucking world again. My allies are useless fucks if that’s what it is. Every single one of them is like HAHA I HAVE PLANS TONIGHT OOPSIE 🤪. No. Go fuck yourselves.

When Ted & Cruella get a POV and Money or powers or immunity don’t @me. Also Tony too.

I have the fucking Clowns alliance. I LOVE them on a personal level, they’re so funny and we’re so wholesome as a group and it’s like a little family in the chat, but for this HOH in particular? We are BEYOND fucked. It’s a bunch of comp beasts verses me & my morons (I’m kidding a lot of them are smart and nice but I’m mad rn so I’m going to be mean). I’m assuming it will be the prejurors also able to give powers though so at least Jules and Sam would be competing, and I think Jules would give something to me, and Sam would maybe give to Jenn or Sandra which is perfect. I need them to do better than Ted and Cruella.

This blows tho. I need this win more than anything, but I foresee it getting fucked up like Jenn’s did. I won’t make any rash unreasonable decisions like she did though, but still, if they have powers and replenish their funds, I’ll be sad. This is very back against the wall gameplay coming from me, and objectively, I don’t think my strategic position is good. Letting myself get into a position where my baxk is against the wall like this is bad gameplay, I can recognize it. I believe in myself to get out of this spot, but being in it at all makes me feel this is my weakest game yet. My inability to dedicate as much time to it as I have to other seasons is showing, and the tough cast is obviously a factor as well. I just have to keep fighting, but lord, my game is not good, and I’m not too proud. Should’ve aligned with the assholes tbh maybe I’d have some comp beasts on my side besides my DUMBASS bby Jennifer.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 14, 2021 2:27 pm

I’m so grateful to my alliance right now. I owe them and the prejury EVERYTHING. Are the others more than likely going to get most of the powers? Yes. However, I think that we will at least have a good bit. Dorothy is someone  interesting to take note of because she did not post in anybody’s threads meaning her bases are covered. Same with Sandra, Negasonic and Kim and JERRY (who is in the best spot in the ENTIRE game tbh). I like Sandra the most out of those ppl tho but maybe that’s cuz she’s my clone and I am self absorbed?? Webkinz also has their bases covered because they posted in Cruella‘s thread and not mine, but still acted cool with me... in fact they ARE still cool with me so that indicates their strategy is effective. 

Regardless I think we just have to know what to do with this HOH, and I think that the best option is to flush as many powers as possible. My reasons for nominations are going to heavily rely on the powers to give me an excuse to nominate the people I want to nominate. They are all going to want me to nominate Debbie, and that is not something I am willing to do at this point. Debbie may have a deal with everyone, but I do feel as though her deal with me is actually reliable because it makes logical sense for both of us. I think her not getting any powers this round is perfect, because I can just say I am nominating Kim and Ted and Cruella because they did well on the challenge and they need to have their powers flushed. I have an excuse, and I prove my loyalty to Debbie so there is nothing to question me about. At the end of the day my allies can’t complain either because it’s not them and it’s a move that makes me an even bigger target. Hopefully everyone will let one another go after me instead of doing it themselves. I think that would actually be more likely than one would think BECAUSE it is all stars and people are more into the notion of and more used to being able to sit and let others take out the threats bloodeleslly, at least especially for the beasts on the other side.

We really did do this HOH as a team and I’m really proud of how it we pulled it together. I did not expect to have the entire prejury, even Manu, in my corner. I anticipated maybe peach maybe Sam and definitely Jules but I was not expecting any more than that, and I’m also proud of my allies who helped me as well. Jennifer and Matt really proved a lot to me today. Ember on the other hand, she kind of proved her uselessness in some respects recently; I’m not too pleased with her. To be fair, she did at least post in the thread once and was diligent in that one interval, but overall, she has not proven herself in the comps, so I’m getting frustrated with her and ability to perform, especially after we used a triple vote on her only for her to still keep a lot of her money. Dorothy actually has the most money which is annoying btw. She needs to be first out on our side.

The one thing that concerns me is that we showed our cards as an alliance today by posting together, but I will emphasize the fact that the prejury he helped me the MOST, underscoring that my MOST loyal and dedicated allies who are helpful to me are already gone, so there is a little reason to take me out right now when I can crash and burn later. The crashing and burning is actually not very unrealistic, I am aware that my game is not the best right now, and I have a feeling that my HOH reign is going to be messy, like Jennifer’s was. Right now I honestly just have to pray that Jules is going to get the DPOV and nobody else’s. Unfortunately even if she does get the DPOV I would assume one of their people is going to get the $200 because I simply do not see any of my allies being dedicated enough to do the 2.7 hours correctly the way Jules probably can.

Again, like I said before, I do hope this is added leverage for people to take out Ted. I’m not sure if I should put him up with Cruella, but I think I will and use the reasoning that I was not intending to do it, but knowing that she was definitely in second place means she likely has a golden power of veto and therefore I would simply like to flush it right now, no harm, no foul. When she comes off the block I have a reason to put up Kim because she also did so well with the posting and I can simply use the reason that we’ve never got together and I know that she is social with everybody so my meager conversations with her are definitely not reassuring for her comparatively. That might give her reason to stop throwing, but at least a power can be controlled for.

I am hoping to come out of this with a DPOV and HOH at least. If they do not have a DPOV, at least I can be secure in that two of their people will be on the block. That is what matters the most right now. I can keep the DPOV for whenever I need it, and that will be very reassuring in this game since it can be used after the nomination ceremony, so there’s little to worry about. I’m scared, but I’m excited. This comp has been difficult for me being that my gaming laptop is broken and I got home 20 minutes after this competition started, but if it works out for the best, then I am happy. I did not think my management with prejurors was all that great, but I think it was better than I expected, and was DEF better than dry bitch Cruella. I’m glad that I saw Jules is such a fighter and fought for Jules with my last dying breath, because she’s paying it back tenfold, and I am so grateful. Like I said, I would not be in this winning spot without my alliance today, so even if I complain about having to do with the brunt of the work, they were there for me, and they were support system, and I think they innately will have to see my value after today. 25 hours of fighting for them nonstop even if I did make many mistakes. Side note: I really have to stop going into endurance is on very little sleep and busy days, it is not conducive for a good performance, and I feel like I let myself down and I let Jennifer down too, I’m not good at endurance APPARENTLY (maybe in different scenarios I would be better but rn I’m a flop piece of shit), but thankfully my allies picked up the slack. I just know Cruella is livid, and honestly that is a bit satisfying because everything has been going their way, and I want to change that. I still admit I am not in a good spot in this game, but I will do anything I can to change that, and I have started that with my relationship with Debbie, and my close allyships to my people. I need my people in Jury BAD, which is another reason I need this badly.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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General Thoughts  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 14, 2021 10:39 pm

1. HOH - Steve
2 Veto - Cruella
3 Immunity - Webkinz (I hope)
4 Money - Kim??
5 Nullifier - Jules??
6 Vote - Ted??
7. Sandra - real money
9. Dorothy - ?
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 15, 2021 10:42 pm

Well, my HOH is going to be a mess, but at the end of the day, I can’t complain, because I got a DPOV & and my numbers’ safety for this week. The bad thing is the other side has two Golden POVs, and likely has multiple voting powers as well as BBQ bucks for voting powers…… Not ideal in the slightest.

My method of damage control is bringing up the fact that I’m fucked with the entire house now a bunch of times until everyone offers to work with me expecting others to come after me instead. Not a great option, but it is what it is. I do think I’ve come to a bit of an understanding with Cruella now, so we staged a fake fight. I feel like I have too many deals with the other side now though if I’m to stay loyal to my deal with Debbie. Right now I’d rather have Ember or Jenn or Matt go for her. Cruella, I care about my deal with her less, because I just don’t trust her and she gives me snake vibes. I just… want to like Debbie.

Either way, this is going to be a shit show, and it’s hard to make 4 noms without any of them being Debbie after she nominated me, but the way I’m going to get around that is I’m going to tell my alliance I know she clearly didn’t post and therefore clearly didn’t get powers, meanwhile Ted got money and the others got good stuff too. She doesn’t have anything, so I’m going to emphasize that my goal is flushing powers. Then I’m just going to have to pray I can help Jenn or Ember or Matt get HOH next to get another big threat out, and they won’t have powers to do anything about it.

As for the DPOV, I might use it on someone else if it’s the week it expires, but for now, I only plan to use it on myself alone if I’m up. Still elated I have that while everyone else can be paranoid about who got it and isn’t saying. They might even think it’s Webkinz, which is fine for me, or Negasonic, which is actually great because I feel that too many people trust her and she needs to be knocked down a peg.

Hopefully Ted doesn’t win Veto. If Cruella and Kim win it, they get to keep their powers (assuming they both have them like I think they do), which isn’t great, but at least I can safely renom Ted and Tony without issue.

Jenn and I really said let’s have the messiest HOH weeks ever back to back! Lord. Just going to fight for Veto, or hope that an ally can win and keep it the same. I just do not want Ted winning it. I’ll buy a voting power if I have to, because i don’t know if I necessarily trust Dorothy to vote out Ted over Tony, and I NEED her to do so. I also need to make sure the animals are on board, but I think Webkinz and Squirt at least should be.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 16, 2021 12:24 am

Sandra told me the only people she feels close to are Jenn and Matt..... the people who PUBLICLY posted in my thread. Not slick. She really is a great people pleaser, I have to keep in mind that she's smart and to not let my guard down for it even if she's voted with me a few times and has been more communicative than others.

Also the fact that literally NO one ever feels close to Max... lemme get better with him in one on ones.

Cruella is also so weird I hate it here, I'm in so many random alliances rn. I need to organize this shit and figure out who I can betray first because it's gonna be SOMEONE at this point.

Also think Dorothy got something. I need to work on her and make sure she takes out Ted. I cannot have this man staying this week I'll kms. All these ppl rlly slide into my DM's and expect something from me and I'm like nah nah lemme burn this house down!

Kim surprisingly took the nomination well. I think it's because I'm right. I hope she's not lying about not coming after me, but she might just be saying that so that I don't nom her again or so that I can spread that? Idk. She can definitely lie, that girl, but damn I also rlly like and respect her game LOL.

Can't wait for a fun round! Also Jenn calling Cruella an idiot sent me what a queen.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 16, 2021 11:50 pm

This week actually went perfectly, to my surprise. I flushed out 2 vetoes, and who knows, maybe I can get some money out too! Are all my various noms likely bullshitting me about being cool with me moving forward? Most likely. But Kim’s willingness to be good with everyone could be good for me, she will likely still throw or maybe she really is honest about not going after me. I know she has the capability to lie, so I’ll be careful, but she’s honestly just a joy to talk to. I like her a lot.

Tony also took his nom very well? He was basically like yeah I understand! I was like oh? Ok?? Nice. And he was basically saying it was fair if it was best for my game and stuff. I wonder if it’s Omair lmfao. Who knows anymore. He wants to know who threw him under the bus though (Ember smart for bringing that up to him, especially with his side basically all voting him out in favor of Ted’s ass, it’s good to further dive that wedge. Ember’s mist combined with my understanding/ability to be a shield is a good combo. I really appreciate her.

Also, idk why all these hoes refused to believe Kim got the GPOV??? Like?? She was doing the best? Webkinz baby, idgaf if she stopped posting for a bit, alarms exist, and she’s always been an accurate poster? Did you not see the endurance when she took the temptation/did the thing at the last second on the dot for dramatic effect?? She is competent and skilled. I was not having it. She’s dangerous tbh because who tf is going after her, and she’s smart, kind, understanding, and likable??? Full package player tbh, mad respect.

Anyway, aside from me loving Kim, I LOVEEE DEBBIE SHE’S SO FUNNY what a hottie. I hope she trusts me. I literally nominated everyone but her, so she should in theory.

Cruella I still don’t trust for shit, but I guess I can hope our little alliance means something. I mean I still don’t talk to her enough because I don’t have the energy but I’ll try to work on that. Ugh. She has reason to think I won’t go after her, but we’ll see. Also I still need to be wary of Debbie. She wants me to want Cruella out, just like she wanted me to want Tony up. I can’t be blind to the fact that she is very effective in her manipulation and is very calculated. I just love her anyway lmfao. It’s bad. She’s a great player, and I want her in Jury just because she seems so sensible.

I also love Negasonic and Sandra. The tide is turning. My little band of misfits and babies is getting bigger and filling up with good players now. Also MAX WINNING THE VETO WAS SO GOOD FOR ME HE BEAT ME BY ONE SECOND, AND THE OTHER WHORES DIDN’T STAND A CHANCE IT WAS GLORIOUS!!!! It was so good; I didn’t want a fourth comp win perjury, so bless Max. But he better vote out Ted. Him and Dorothy better watch out because I’ll deadass flip on the alliance if they fuck with me, idgaf. Like not one fuck will be given I swear.

Tbh, I love Sandra. And Squirt wanting an alliance with me and her randomly is so weird but I’m here for it?

On another note, I want Dorothy and Jerry out. I’m tired of these people playing the middle so well. Also Ember is going to be a problem later on. Jenn is a good shield and is a beast so I need her more than Ember, but I do appreciate Ember securing the votes for me always. Queen tbh.

Anyway, I do think that the vote should end up around 10 or 9 ish for Ted to leave. Maybe more if Debbie and others decide to vote with majority.

Also I think saying I nommed Ted because he could have the DPOV is so funny. The only one who seems to suspect I have it is Cruella’s ass. But her word doesn’t mean much in this game <3 Soooo, I feel fine. It’s kind of great. I want to see if Debbie betrays me and then I simply pull out a DPOV and fuck over one of her besties. It would be flawless. Kinda want a Debbie HOH to see what she does, but also don’t wanna lost a number. But then again, if she took out Jerry I’d be so down for it.

Also I want a Dorothy HOH badly. Show tour cards girl, don’t be shy!

These thoughts are very jumbled, but I have work in the morning and I wanted to make sure I had some thoughts down before midnight. Can’t be missing out on any cash now lmfao. Hope this goes well!
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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General Thoughts  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 16, 2021 11:53 pm

1. HOH - Steve + DPOV (xoxo)
2 Veto - Cruella
3 Immunity - Webkinz
4 Money - Negasonic
5 Nullifier - Jules given to Dorothy or Ember??
6 Extra Vote - Ted??
7. Sandra - Jumbo money Bag
8. Kim - Small money bag + GPOV
9. Dinner Date - Dorothy??
10. Punishment Pass - Tony?
11. idc
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyTue Aug 17, 2021 11:15 pm

Cruella de Vil wrote:
It's whatever. I know that you, Ember, Webby, and maybe even Max now want to prioritize working with me over all of the people on my side. Being quite honest, I want to prioritize you all over my OWN side if it wasn't so split-house-y.

I feel somewhat safe knowing that I built real, concrete, truthful trust between me, you, ember, and Webby this week. At the very least I know I have your votes if I'm next to someone on my own side.

this is the funniest thing i've ever read
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyTue Aug 17, 2021 11:42 pm

I will try to do a lengthier DR after midnight, because rn, I need to prioritize social game, but WHEW what a week.

Do I regret pitching in for Jenn’s Amaretto Sour (immunity Idol)? A little. She didn’t need it, and I think she would have easily had the votes to stay, and we could have bought a vote steal or a nullifier for less money for pretty much equal insurance. I really think it would have been fine. On the bright side, she clearly got money from people outside of the alliance, so that’s good if she could drain people’s funds and keep our funds (particularly Max’s and Dorothy’s funds) intact. She even got some from DEBBIE. Debbie is so sexy. I love her. What a wild wild woman. She is playing and amazing game and I can’t even bring myself to care to go against her because that is how much I love her. She was so helpful.

Honestly, I’m feeling very well covered aside from Kim and Tony, but I don’t see them gunning for wins/winning rn. So I feel… good???? I’m going to throw the hell out of the next HOH; I have the DPOV, so I don’t need to waste a week of being HOH on it when I can make my own renom after others get bloody. I don’t think I should do Cruella now though, she is kinda… chill with me now??? I think I’d have to do Tony. Which is fine enough, he can go, and he’s a vote for Jenn, not me, so bye!!

This game is getting more fluid, and the ones I feel secure with rn are like… Jenn, Ember, Max, CRUELLA??, and DEBBIE???? And Matt my beloved…… Genuinely the sweetest man alive.

I can’t believe it’s come to this though. She should have put me up with Jenn. Or Ember. But tbh…. She’s done a great job of proving her loyalty now, and I’m here for making amends… for a little bit. I’d renom her, but I would not nom her with my DPOV, that would honestly be reserved for Tony. And then if he has anything, that can be flushed too.

I’m honestly happy with my position, and even though we could have wasted less money, I’m still in tight with the Other Guys, and I’m in even tighter now with the 6 since we’re losing another one. The small alliances actually work in my favor as opposed to being on the bottom of bigger alliances. I threw that veto SO hard for a reason…. I’m actually thrilled with this Squirt win. Idk if I would have preferred a Max win to take out Squirt, but in the end, this isn't too bad. Now I want Max here for his money tho xoxo, love him, and he's so chill too.

This game is wild. I can't believe I feel safe??? I STILL HAVE THE DPOV???? This is great.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyTue Aug 17, 2021 11:58 pm

Not me slipping up and saying "very fair" damnit I was trying to avoid saying that to anyone ever, that's so me
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 4:42 pm

I can see Jenn's weak attempt to get me to nominate Cruella for her. Shaming me and whatever for being one of the many to be "eating out of her vagina" loike everyone else. She's being so aggressive and transparent it's kind of funny. Good attempt, but no. She's saying that "two can play at that game" and she won't nom Cruella either, pfft, please. She's easy to read, but again, I give her credit for the manipulation attempt. I've already wasted money on securing Jenn's complete and full loyalty, so no way in hell am I doing another thing for her. If she wants Cruella out, I'll vote her out, but I'm not going to nominate her this week. This week, I will either do Kim or Tony with the DPOV assuming no one on my side wins, which, let's be honest.... it's so unlikely at this point, I really don't have much faith in them.

In all honesty, Kim is looking like the most appealing DPOV target because she is on no one's radar at all, and she has a voting power. I put her up, and she can say she's cool with me all she wants, but I truly doubt it. Dorothy and Ember can take out Tony at any time and have reason to. I think it has to be Kim... And it FORCES our side to ACTUALLY do it because it will be her or us! It's kind of perfect.

Cruella, I think I can keep her a few more weeks. She'll target Jenn, and I want Jenn safe because she's good at comps and loyal as hell, but maybe we can make some progress on her. Tbh, I'm going to be throwing a lot because I'm in an alliance with literally the whole house minus Kim and Tony. Hence why they're my only options.

I feel bad for Kim though, but she's sneaky. "Cold" according to Ted, but I think that's iconic of her. But it means she's selfish too, she can lie, and I don't trust her. Which sucks. I like her a lot on a personal level, but she's in a very good spot (much better than Tony) and I suspect she's a bit better at comps. Besides, pretty sure Tony just wasted his money saving Jenn, so he's not got much on him to make him an appealing target anymore. Ember and Dorothy can waste a reign on her. THEN I can go for Cruella. Or maybe Debbie. I still just don't want to do Debbie because I love her she's so sext <3

Anyway, I see u Jenn, ur not gonna manipulate me darlingggg <3 ily tho.

Also I need Ember to get a backbone, stat! She's in a good spot like Dorothy is. I'm going to keep pushing to Jenn that she can throw Ember under the bus to help herself at anyyyyy time and say the info of alliances came from her, not me, xoxo.

This game is getting fun Smile


I'm in a weird mental state today. I was off my game yesterday very much so, so I'd like to tighten up and keep it together going forward. Being useless in Veto made me look like I was throwing even more than I was, which is not a great look (though at least I'd hope that made me look like I trusted Cruella). Cruella DOES have some numbers again though, so I'll keep an eye on it.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 5:40 pm

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 5:45 pm

Do I really have a deal with every single person in this house except Tony........?????????? This is so.... I don't like being over-aligned, it's disgusting going into Jury, I need to backstab people PREJURY not post jury!!! Fuck is this shit! I ain't trying to have SHIT Jury management out here???? Fuckkkk dude.

I have to fuck SOMEONE over with the DPOV methinks. I guess Kim being mad is fine since she's not a Juror but that fucking sucks... guess better now than post Jury. Pissing off Tony isn't really a thing since he's mad chill about being nominated/evicted I think based on his prior reaction? I feel he'd be a non-bitter juror which is nice to have in there.

I do think Kim is smarter to get out but... Damnit. I don't like it, I'm going a little soft, but hopefully my actions don't reflect it as much... Ugh. Idk how to answer her so I'll do it in a bit.

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