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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyWed Sep 01, 2021 9:46 pm

No one could draw a flop Max? No one could draw throwing Dorothy? I couldn’t draw anyone else?? ANYONE ELSE??????? Fucking hell.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyThu Sep 02, 2021 5:53 pm

I've been studying all day. I've gotten my notes together. I've checked for accuracy. I think I can do this. This is kind of terrifying because if Sandra wins, I'm out automatically. I'd be shattered a bit. But it's a game, and I'd be honored to at least be taken out by Ember. Ember's game has had its ups and downs, but her social game is quite strong, similar to Dorothy's. I'd be happy to vote for either one of them in the end. Debbie is my winner pick though, she'd get my vote hands down over anyone. I'm hopeful. It's a Dale round so I'm hoping there is speed involved, since it would be fitting; I know I can beat these others in speed.

Gonna stay positive <3

I'm kinda scared Kim is going to win.... Kind of sick I drew her.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyThu Sep 02, 2021 10:29 pm

Sandra Bullock wrote:
I am going to swear on everything that is holy that I would not make you the renomination if one of them comes down. I aint forget one little slimey bastard told me theyd send me their money and they didnt. I'm playing nice with them for now, but that little punk bitch can eat my ass and Id happily nominate them over you now.

I CHOKED PLEASEEE sjkdnfkjsdfeneafnaf

She actually has an amazing campaign. I'm unsure of where I want my vote to go at this point, because I truly see neither her nor Sam as endgame threats in the case of a Jury, and they're both pretty capable in comps, pretty equally. Sandra says her renom would be Max then. But she is also a big liar and a good talker. Sam says he wouldn't nom me. I don't trust ANYONE to not nom me tho. Except Debbie. Debbie is hot and sexy and crazy and would keep me safe methinks.

Next week I'm gonna nom Debbie/Kim, then if I win Veto, I save Debbie, put up Sam, make sure Kim goes <3

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyFri Sep 03, 2021 4:38 pm

Being that it's Cynthia week, I either anticipate a long, endurance-esque comp with speed questions like on Theodora week, OR a creative comp. Creative comp would make the most sense, kind of like Mew's Ancestry Project (where we created our own Pokémon, that would be AMAZING), or maybe the full length writing comp. I'd be worried about Debbie winning, but I FEEL like I can win against her in it, AND I still feel like she won't nominate me? Queen of wanting the best people at the end?? Oh and THE MUSIC COMP SHOULD BE SOON THANK GAWD THERE ARE OVER 100 SONGS ALREADY YASSS. This is going to be a fun week, I can't wait Smile

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptySat Sep 04, 2021 10:29 am

I’ve been working on this BBQ Museum HOH for 15 hrs straight, not sure if I should nap before finishing… I have 9 hrs left hmmmmmn
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptySun Sep 05, 2021 3:17 am

Honestly, I put so much work into that, so I’m happy it paid off. Phew. As for nominations, I’m not really sure what to do yet. Debbie is truly the only person I would trust to not want to evict me, so I don’t know if I should tarnish that by putting her up right now, but I also know my trust for my other allies would be gone if I didn’t put her up. However, trust with my allies doesn’t matter at this point, because anybody would evict me if I’m on the block and every single person would put me up anyway, so it’s not about trust, it’s about repercussions as I always say, and Debbie is the only person who I think I have leeway with, so there’s really no benefit and me putting her up, except to ensure that she can’t take him off, because I want Kim gone. Kim going home adds no blood to my hands, as our relationship and game has been nonexistent, and I swear I’m not tarnishing Dorothy’s or Ember’s Jury vote. Dorothy on the block is the most beneficial, because she’s the only other person I would want to go home because of her lack of eviction votes against her, her lying, and her good social game. If I were on the jury, I would want to vote for Debbie first, then Dorothy, then Ember, then Kim, then Max, then Sam. Sam would not be bitter if I put him up tbh. But do I ruin that relationship? He won battle back and the purge, so he’s not incapable. Every single person here is capable of winning a comp, and every single person here is a good player. So I don’t know how many people I want to piss off, but again I just need to remember that trust is irrelevant. I think an easy nomination is Max also, I honestly forget that he’s here a lot because I don’t talk to him. I could do Debbie/Kim, then take Debbie off the block with Veto if I win and nom Max. Kim will go because Sam & Ember would evict Kim. Even if Dorothy & Debbie do otherwise, I break the tie. Honestly, I think that settled it, that works out well. I piss everyone off about Debbie, but what are they gonna do about it? I think that’s a decent game plan rn. I’ll see in the morning how I feel after talking to Debbie about the plan. I think she’ll be understanding, I love her tbh.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptySun Sep 05, 2021 3:45 pm

Lemme keep this game spicy. I have a veto speech pretyped if I happen to win:

"believe it or not, i’m using the power of veto on debbie.

the reason i nominated debbie and kim beside each other is because i knew there was a shot of them taking one another off, and i’m beyond grateful to all those who voted to keep me the week i was on the block, so the least i could do was ensure that NONE of those individuals would have a chance to hit the block by default. I owe you all that loyalty.

however, yes, the nature of my deal at that time was that i would take out debbie, and then you would all have my blessing to completely toss me to the side the week after.

that’s the thing. I don’t want to be tossed to the side after coming this far, and i know for a fact that it is in every single player’s best interest to nominate me, loyalty be damned.

the only person that i truly feel may not nominate me is debbie after we’ve come to an agreement. so i’m very sorry for going back on my promise to go after debbie, but it’s final 6 after this, and big brother is a selfish game, and i can’t just be tossed to the side, so i hope you understand.

i still do have loyalty, but when it comes to my best interest, i’m sorry, this is what makes the most sense for my game.

with that being said, i’m choosing to name max as my renom. It’s nothing personal, but you voted to evict me (though your vote was nullified), and i feel stronger loyalty to all those who kept me around; i owe them all at least that."

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptySun Sep 05, 2021 6:30 pm

Been listening to these songs allllll day it's tru
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptySun Sep 05, 2021 11:18 pm

I'm hoping I was able to somewhat salvage my relationship with Debbie tbh, because almost immediately, within 1.5 minutes into the comp, I sent her a list with 5 or 6 Pokemon unscrambled, so I'm hoping that promoted some trust, and then BEFORE the winner was announced, I showed her my pretyped Veto speech I had been planning to use for her. I didn't get to show her a more tangible transactional act in exchange for loyalty next week, but I DID show her intent, with strong proof. If I wanted, I could honestly screenshot my Google Doc of my speech and show that it had not been edited or compiled together last minute (tbh the speed at which I provided the speech when she asked was probably proof enough), so I'm praying she really does stick to wanting to "best at the end" thing. It's really my only hope lol. I'm hoping she wins HOH next week, and then I just need to win Veto. I'll vote for Debbie even if she takes me out/goes back on our agreement obviously, but I'm hoping I can apply a little pressure, because she really really is the only person who would take that risk of me being here. I love Dorothy and Ember and Sam to death, but they aren't stupid. They voted to keep me once, it's never ever happening again LOL, they'd be foolish to not put me up next to Debbie, and I think they would.

Either way, basically I really am praying that my clear clear intent this week was enough for Debbie, if not, oh well, fair enough, but I think I did all I could.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 3:56 am

Tbh, as embarrassing as losing that veto was, I’m glad I lost on a week I was safe. And Debbie is safe anyway, which is great. I’m pretty equally matched with Debbie in comps like that methinks, but we’ve already had two of them now, so no way we’d get another (thank god), so now I just have to hope that the future comps will be good for me… and by all means they SHOULD be. We haven’t had OTEV. Before or After. A comp based on the music this season (the fact that it wasn’t the veto rlly rlly rlly rlly caught me off guard…), FACE MORPH like can we get a face morph & notes comp up in here! Where the days comps at!! They HAVE to be coming and I know I can destroy them all. I know I can. I’m cautiously optimistic. All I know is Debbie is going to be the biggest threat and needs to go at F5. Then I need Dorothy out of here she is too likable. Then I think I can clean sweep Ember/Sam/Max… Prayingggg. Plus part one is always endurance so if I can just get to F3, I’m going to be able to compete in part 3. I really feel like I can win, as long as I get there. If we have battleship soon tho, might commit!!
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 3:02 pm

I’m trying to think what Slimm‘s week will entail, all I can think about is movie posters, notes, definitely notes if it’s about Slimm but I’m not sure because that I guess could be for anything, or maybe Slimm’s counting factory or something. Tbh I just wish I was playing in HOH because my guess is notes. Slimm’s Counting Factory is a big possibility, which would have to be a Veto….. if my life in this game comes down to a comp like that I’m truly going to off myself.

I think my best bet is help Debbie in HOH. Every single other person would probably put me up with her.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 4:41 pm

Now that I think about it, HOH might be BB trivia, that is the most most Slimm thing I can think of… in that case, rip my odds of being able to help Debbie win it… wow I’m so fucked LMAO, gonna do my best tho I love you
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 7:40 pm

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 8:14 pm

Wow, I amaze myself sometimes <333333

Let's get Dorothy outta here!!!!
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 10 EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 9:26 pm

fuck u ember idk what u said but i just know this is your fault
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