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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptySat Jul 31, 2021 6:50 am

Nightly Thoughts

These are my organized, but still somehow unorganized thoughts that I will post for each night and subsequent morning.

7/30/21 9PM- 7/31/21 6:20AM

- Mo is Nagisa

- Sophia is whoever the bitch from Addams family is, which is very peculiar considering I was considering Wednesday Addams as a character. I wont bring that up because I know that Sophia/Rae know I like Wednesday/Morticia. Jellicel or whatever her name's fault for telling me that she was out drunk just like Sophia and Rae were. Sad.

- Rae is that bitch Sandra Bullock

- I've spoken the most with Tony Stark and I can tell he's made his rounds to everyone, I hooked him up with the obvious duo that existed beforehand that was Keanu and Jerry, but Keanu is trying to convince me that I'm HIS duo, but I have a sneaking suspicion I'm being played for the long haul about that. Regardless, I think it's great that the 4 of us are slowly drifting together.

- My relationship with a lot of the girls like Jennifer (whom I suspect is Slimm), Jaida, Jules, Kim, Sandra, and especially Peach is looking on the up-and-up, I think I'm well enough insulated for a Week 1 before HoH has been played person. It could benefit me to be nominated but to stay on eviction night, but I really don't want to risk that. Risky play! But no, I won't do that.

- In regards to anyone that isn't the aforementioned 4 person budding alliance and the women, I point you to Matt who is a close confidant of mine because we share very similar interests in gaming and I definitely think that is Matty. However comma, I do not give a fuck about identities, I solely just think it's fun. I think that Matt and I are getting along really well and I hope he can pull off a win and keep me safe. Matt winning is BEST CASE scenario for me because it means that I can prove to other people that I want them around and in the game.

- I actually don't want to win the first HoH because I think Arisa and Batgirl are out for blood and want to slit our throats, so there's that. I think there's a trap waiting for the first HoH, so I want HoH 2 or HoH 3. I want one EARLY early one to prove to people that I'm loyal to them and that I have targets, I'm not sitting pretty, people are targeting me, and the main thing: I want people to owe me one for not nominating them. If I didn't do it this early, they wont do it to ME this early. Tit for tat and I gave them a tit.

- In regards to tomorrow, I'm awaiting responses from Cosmo and whoever the new bitch is.  I will not speak to the 4 I have left unspoken to (Max, Rebecca, Steve, Ted) though I will allow them to speak to me first. I have left 4 and not 3 just in case one of them pulls a fast one on me and reaches out. In that case I'll still have a target. Once noon hits, I'll wake up and get some socialization in.

- Winning first HoH would also be good, but it will also be bad. Still perplexed on whether or not I want to win. If I win it, i can get away with nominating people I havent spoken with. If I win it, I also get to be subject to whatever trickery is in store for the first HoH. Still unsure on what to do exactly.

- Winning HoH 2 would be good, but I fall into a different trap that I can no longer afford to let all 4 of those people go unspoken to since i am not confident in my ability to win a Veto at this point in time, though, I am confident in my ability to stay if I'm on the block at this moment.

- In regards to the challenge for tomorrow, I'm wondering what the fuck it's going to be. Apparently Manu or whatever the fuck his name is did it early and that's why we barely spoke. Regardless, I'm scared for it even though I'm somewhat confident in my ability to do it. Not so positive, but I'll try.

Game plan for tomorrow: TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK!!!!!!!!

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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptySun Aug 01, 2021 4:59 am

7/31/21 6:20 AM - 8/1/21 4:37 AM

- Rebecca starts talking to me, glad that SHE reached out to ME.

- No need to worry about Squirt or Webkinz, both are inactive for a short period of time for personal reasons.

- Max, Ted, and some other loser still hasn’t reached out to me.

- Turns out Sam is trying to coral a group of me, him, Negasonic, Sandra, and Nagisa. There’s a separate alliance with me, him, Sandra, and Nagisa... And then ANOTHER alliance of just me, him, and Sandra. Lions, tigers, bears, oh my! That’s a LOT OF FUCKEN ALLIANCES THERE MATE. WHAT’RE YA DOIN THERE BUD?

- Sam was dangerously close to becoming my #1 before Nagisa told me about the two onion layers with me/Sandra/Himself as the core. I’d say at the moment, I’m leaning towards Sandra more than Sam with Tony still at the top.

- The Purge begins and I have the only Calvin Mistake possible: Being Logged into Jigsaw Planet. It’s a curse. Eventually my score went away, but I know at least a few people saw it. It’s quite a shame that I did that tbh. It’s a shame Dale did it too, I was sure he was Tony but now I KNOW he’s Webkinz because of it. Ugh. We’re such fucking idiots.

- Negasonic is actually... Super chill. I get along really well with Negasonic. She gives me intellectual stimulation that I thrive.

- Jennifer however? What a fucking concubine. An actual fucking harlot. Sis is allergic to game talk.

- Peach, Jerry, and Tony seem to be my safety allies at the moment, but the issue is that they’re... they’re all kind of weak as fuck. I think they’re definitely gonna need to pull out an HoH soon.

- Sailor Moon is still weird. Don’t know if she knows she’s playing the game yet...

- The Purge went well enough. I beasted the puzzle even though I could have gotten 15 minutes off of it if I had gotten out of fullscreen. The Posting had a rough start and an even rougher tantrum I threw 2/3 in. Though I think I did well enough. The movie questions were hard, but I catalogued a lot in my mind and I did most of them quickly. Stupid ass Sam beat me, though. Not too stoked about that. Sandra deliberately waited ~5 minutes after I told her I sent for her to send hers. I think she was trying to not come across as a target and to put that on myself, but I forced Sam to get it instead. I wanted to come off as a useful tool comp winner rather than the biggest threat.

- Nagisa also giaranteed safe, though, I don’t put much stock in him... Winning shit. I don’t think he’ll be in a position where he wants or needs to. That’s why he came in Fourth. Enough to get in with the strong kids, not enough to be targeted, but guaranteed safe regardless.

- My onion relations are also going over pretty well. I’d like to have more chats with them but we must wait until the private rooms become the most common communication hub.

- Plan for tomorrow: Webkinz, Squirt, Sailor, Manu, Kim, Jaida, Ember, Cosmo

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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyMon Aug 02, 2021 7:36 am

8/1/21 4:37 AM - 8/2/21 7:23 AM

- Woke up to find Ember, Manu, Jerry, and Sailor on the block. At least it's not me, but I'm upset it isn't Steve, Matt, Ted, and Sailor.

- Sailor has a use because she sucks at comps. Jerry has a use because we were close even before his nomination. Ember has a use because I think she's genuine in wanting to work with me. What the hell is Manu doing to make himself useful for me? I know his ass broke too so I cant even schmooze up to him for his money

- The BBQ $ Twist introduces itself as this cute little night club! Awesome! Wish I could drink. Anyway it appears to be that everything I have been doing because I'm so used to blogging from BBQ8,BBEvo1, and BBQ9 is actually going directly into my bank account since trust lists and DR's are separated. My trust lists now have a use!

- It appears I am fucking loaded because I completely dominated that last Purge competition, giving me $50, plus, I also will get a HEFTY load of money from previous nights and my diary rooms and whatnot. Things are looking good for me. I want. That. Diamond. Power. Of. Veto.

- The twist appears in such an awkward way because even if I do get the money for the veto, shit is now sold in INGREDIENTS. Thanks BBQ9. Thanks. Now I have to worry about people purchasing INGREDIENTS BEFORE I DO. Ugh. Everything is so gross. That DPOV is unobtainable.

- Voting to evict Manu just cuz. Yawn. Easy week. Anyway.

- Sam and Sandra seem to be in with everyone, but I'm positive everyone is on to me for doing the exact same.

- Awkwardly, Jaida sneaks in to be my #1 for today? Very weird. Sam and I did not converse much today, I also haven't been the most active today so that can factor into it.

- People seem to be clamoring for me, Sam, and Sandra's allyship because we did the best in the comp. Helpful! I knew that comp and the placement in it would factor in somehow. I knew people would want to ALIGN with the comp beasts rather than worry and target them. It's counter-intuitive, but on a season where people want to place well- they're so scared, they want to be allies. They're pushed in the exact opposite direction.

- Negasonic and I gaining a better understanding for each other. We're fucking insane together lol. I woke up to a goddamn essay about how we usually vote, then I sent an essay back. We didn't even have a private room because she doesn't usually request them, she lets others do it for her.

- Not sure what else to write. Today was thankfully pretty easy.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 5:45 am

8/2/21 7:23 AM - 8/3/21 5:14 AM

- So, Manu leaves. Boring. Expected. Next.


- I'm going to research into the Veto to see what the Veto was that week. Alright. Just did, I see that you needed to post a gif on that thread so I will have a gif copy pasted ready to go. Also, it was a word unscrambler for names. Luckily you did politicians (which I don't think you'd do again, but what do I know) and I tried the comp out and won myself. Luckily I know politicians' names because I am politically active. (yes even globally, ily Jacinda Ardern you sexy socialist milf <3)

- Sandra scares me


- I'm noticing that I don't have a strong #1 Yet. Hoping Tony can do that but I don't know if he's good at regular competitions. We shall see when we see more competitions. Also this game needs to hurry up cuz I am NOT Going to be ready come the 26th when I suddenly have to disappear for classes.

- Peach nominated? GROSS. Rebecca nominated? ALSO GROSS. That's what we get for letting the meninist win a comp. It should have been Steve and Ted and we could vote out Steve. Squirt renom if we have to. But no. It had to be two ladies I liked. Sigh. I'll win veto and keep noms the same if I must. Though we all know damn well I'm throwing. I want to win it, but it's better and smarter for me to not win it.

- Sorry this is short, I really have nothing else to say.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyWed Aug 04, 2021 1:15 am

8/3/21 5:14 AM - 8/4/21 1:06AM

- Dorothy and I talk a lot more, I use our fake argument session as time to bond with her and double that up with Jaida by being like "Haha here's me being bitch" so that's nice. I feel great with the both of them at the moment. Very helpful.

- I end up being wrong about my take on how Veto draws will be/what the comp is. Though I should have expected that. My chip wasn't drawn for veto, despite having 1/3 odds lol. I would have thrown, but I wouldn't have wanted to win anyway. I'm just mad I missed the money.

- I did an amazing job dealing with my relations with people I feel uncomfrtoable with (Steve, Ted, etc) or at least I feel like I did. It's hard to gauge. I don't have them on my nomination shortlist... Yet.

- I want to win HoH next week. I decided I'm going to give it my all in whatever Competition it is. I hope it isn't social and I hope it's one I can kick ass in. Hopefully a lot of people will be throwing so I might have a chance if skill and luck aren't enough on their own. Squirt and Cosmo will be my noms. Max will be a renom.

- Dorothy and Debbie win Vetos. Great for me. I never had to worry about anything, really, because I'm safe with Tony no matter what. Though, Dorothy winning was great for me. I think our bond is growing, I really like her. Dorothy winning is the one thing that kept me sane.

- Vetos go unused and people are evicting Sailor Moon for whatever reason. It's so obivous to see that Sailor Moon isn't a threat and Debbie is a machine. Why evict the person that Debbie wants to see evicted? Sailor Moon is useless. I wish I could vibe with Negasonic on the other team because it looks like that side is not utilizing proper strategy. Negasonic and Dorothy are the two people with the most sanity.

- That's not much, but it's all I really have. The game is going by too slow for me to have more to say

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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyThu Aug 05, 2021 3:30 am

8/4/21 1:06AM - 8/5/21 3:16AM

- So Sailor said goodbye and I was unable to save her or get her money. Sad.

- I was very ready to win HoH just to find out that Jules and Negasonic destroy me in it. Whatevs! That's pretty cool too. Then, I find out Jerry will be nominated by Jules. I feel safe with Jules, but I know she wouldn't want me to use the Veto and I know Peach and Webkinz would be upset. I guess I'll just act helpless because I wont be picked for Veto.

- OOPS! I'm picked for Veto. It's also a very.... Winnable one. TIME TO THROW! WOO!

- I throw Veto, Jerry wins (thank GOD, best case scenario.) and Squirt goes up. omg? A hit tweet?

- Jerry takes himself off, I prove myself in the final round to show that I am NOT dogshit. Time to hit the campaign trail because Negasonic had some ugly ass noms.

- My relationship with Dorothy goes through the roof, Jennifer slightly increased. I now trust Ted, oddly enough.

- Steve is still an area of issue for me. I wish someone would go ahead and nominate him.

- Veto goes by, Squirt renom, and I bond with a few people. Yadda yadda, it's whatever.

- Also Jaida, ily queen <3

- I TRULY wish I had more, but things really went well for me this week so I don't have much to say.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 3:56 am

8/5/21 3:16AM - 8/6/21 3:30AM

- This one will be very short because I don't have much to go off of.

- Stubborn Peach would not give me her money on the way out of the door, the lengths I went to for that woman!!! Just to be ROBBED of HER money that was for ME.

- The Peach vs Cosmo vs Webkinz vs Squirt vote was interesting. Most of the house went to evicting Peach, but a ton of people lied and said they were evicting Cosmo. Ted told the truth tho, king Ted.

- I succeeded in keeping Webkinz safe. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think that I was the reason Webkinz stayed. My influence over Negasonic, pleading to her that I love Webkinz (which also worked with her not nominating Jerry) may have gotten Webkinz to get Negasonic's love. I also think being vocal about Webkinz staying helped him stay. I think he really appreciates my help and owe's me. I want him to owe me. Win me a comp babe.

- I know exactly what the fucking button does and what does my ass do? PLAY IT SAFE. Am I fucking mental? WHY DIDNT I PRESS THAT BUTTON? I ACTUALLY WANTED TO WIN THIS HOH. Ugh.

- I can win Vetos but not HoH's, let me ride on the wild side and try for veto this week. This is if I can even compete in it...

- Hoping Ted, Jerry, or Sam wins HoH. I do NOT want Steve winning this. I am in TROUBLE this week.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptySat Aug 07, 2021 5:45 am

8/6/21 3:30 AM - 8/7/21 5:40 AM

- This one will be short, sorry hosts and viewers post-season.

- So Jerry wins HoH like the fucking madlad that he is. The absolute sex demon. What a fucking legend. I love Jerry, top tier ally. My Skeeter Valentine if Skeeter was good at comps and not horrible to be around.

- Jerry nominates Jules (via twist? I guess she took the dare) and Jennifer. Jennifer is NO BUENO FOR ME!

- I take the 50 BBQ $ of course. I'm safe from Jerry no matter what because Jerry legend and likes me.

- I wish Steve was on the block so he could go. Such is life.

- Jennifer wins veto because SHE is ALSO a madlad. Though, I did the puzzle on my own and got 20:00, I think I would have won this veto if I played in it. I should have taken the dare! (except I was ineligible because of the money and because I'm in a place where I cant give my all for competitions)

- Webkinz also takes 50 $, could be good for me down the line.

- Things are looking up here. I just cant let Steve or Squirt win HoH tomorrow.

- Nagisa is renom'd, whatever. Nagisa can GO for all I care.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptySun Aug 08, 2021 4:24 am

8/7/21 5:40 AM - 8/8/21 4:16 AM

- Another short one since I’m at my grandma’s.

- Jules goes home 7-6, I was the flipvote if there was going to be a flip.

- Jules accuses me of cheating/pregaming. Girl. Me? Nah. Somethin’s up.

- Sandra lowkey atw her tr up, but, what came from that Jules eviction blowup was So. Much. Better.

- Jules calls out 7 people. 7 people voted to evict her. That means Debbie saw those 7 names and said “This seems like the perfect alliance.” AND IT IS. It’s made entirely up of people I already regularly talk to. Amazing! Call me Debbie’s sheep because I am loving her work right now. Though she does have to fo eventually.

- The 7 made actually flops so fucking hard on the HoH.

- Ted Lasso wins HoH and I feel god, but my paranoia convinced me to not feel food. What an idiot play by me. God I’m so fucking stupid.

- Btw if you’re reading this post season, these nightly thoughts are NOT indicative of my gameplay.

- Anyway Webkinz and Matt nominated is horrible for me. I want to win Veto and take one off, but I might not be picked and I know Jerry might be the renom so I’m just gonna throw if I play. Jerry winning and taking one off would be best, but it puts me in a far more uncomfortable spot than before. At least if Ted wins, noms will stay the same.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyMon Aug 09, 2021 5:31 am

8/8/21 4:16 AM - 8/9/21 5:20 AM

- Honestly another short one, not much happened.

- So Ted is HoH right, and I be stupid enough to talk to him and ask "DuH Am I SafE" even though I knew damn well I was. My paranoia! Who am I, Moe?! Anyway luckily Ted brushed it off and just thought I was being goofy or whatever. I explained it, we moved on.

- Previous to the Veto comp, I was feeling like I was going to be the renom despite his very clear words on me being safe. Idiot play to not believe something so obviously true.


- During the Veto comp, I'm kind of cheering on Webkinz. Though I have a bad feeling something sneaky is happening. ENTER SAM AND STEVE who CREEP into Ted's DM's. Sam just tells him to make a big move and Steve full on name drops me, but Ted was uncomfortable about it because we're in the 8. So, yeah. Ted is a fucking real one. ANYTHING BAD IVE EVER SAID ABOUT TED I TAKE BACK. Ted is my fucking favorite person in the world right now. Ted saving my ass? I'm gonna win HoH next week and slay that Steve bitch.

- That's where I'm at right now. I need to win HoH and get Steve out. At the very least it makes people feel more comfortable with my existence. I need HoH AND Veto in the same week, which I've never done in BBQ minus the BBQ Mini, so here's to hoping I get lucky.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 7:57 am

8/9/21 5:20 AM - 8/10/21 7:42 AM

- So, Nagisa goes home. FUUUUUUUUCK. At least Matt is the one I need to do damage control with. He’s perhaps the easiest person for me to do it with at the moment.

- Jaida tells me she lied to Matt about her vote, regardless, I help cover for her because I’m a real one. It shows she’s willing to be messy with me. Nice! True allyship is showing the bad and the good in someones game equally, which Negasonic is doing to a far lesser extent.

- Nagisa going is actually horrendous for my game, but I digress!

- I go into HoH wanting to kick ass and take names, and I do pretty good, up until the fucking spot the differences. Fuck? Me? My eyes began to hurt, so I stopped, even though I got 4/5 clues and an equation ready to get the final number.

- I begin to brainstorm about the Story Time comp. I have a theme in mind that I’ll utilize and a perfect story already pre-conceptualized, therefore taking HOURS off of my writing time which can be used for editing for perfect dialogue. I’ve also pre-conceptualized jokes that dealt with the happenings of the game, therefore enriching the reading experience.

- Anyway Debbie wins HoH because Debbie is a machine and is competing hard, I feel like she thought she had to- and to be fair, she did have to, because apparently Webkinz was right behind her. Regardless, she’s deciding to win lots of comps this early and I am here for her. She’s my most USEFUL ally, which is the best kind of ally. I hope to win HoH next week and finish what she started this week. Our interests are aligning pretty nicely.

- Debbie is kind of Janelle lol

- Webkinz and Steve are nominated... FINE BY ME! Webkinz blockstar era it’s true. Though, I’ll use the Veto on him if I’m  picked and if I win it. Webkinz is babe <3

- Ideally, Webkinz, Deborah, or myself (if picked) win Veto and use ut on Webkinz. Then, Sam is renominated and leaves. That allows me ti win HoH next werk, put up Steve/Squirt and Max, and have more options for MY game. Jennifer can rot, too.

- Worst case scenario, Sam wins Veto and take off Steve. Then who goes up? Jennifer? I’m voting Jennifer out in that case.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyWed Aug 11, 2021 4:15 am

8/10/21 7:42 AM - 8/11/21 4:00 AM

- Not much happened today. Today's will be extremely short.

- Jaida and I talk, cool

- Veto comp time! Debbie downs $250 for a power that does LITERALLY NOTHING for her. Literallly she downed $250 for an advantage that literally appears in the third hardest comp? WHATEVER. Now I have to actually worry and campaign for Webkinz!

- Steve wins veto! FUCK! However!!!! THIS COULD BE GOOD FOR ME! Sam goes up, if Sam goes home, that means that I can build a bridge via Webkinz to Steve and have all of my bases (MINUS JENNIFER, MAX, AND SQUIRT)

- If Sam goes home, this week was a major success. If Sam stays, this week was a massive trainwreck.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyThu Aug 12, 2021 7:17 am

8/11/21 4:00 AM - 8/12/21 7:20 AM

- Short because I feel like it.

- Sam leaves, and like the king he is, just absolutely is the nicest person on the planet. I mean what a real one. So sweet.


- Jennifer wins HoH, I have that sinking feeling that something bad will happen.

- Ayup! Jennifer gives me 2 bullshit reasons for nominating me, followed by nominating me. Of COURSE IM NEXT TO DEBBIE. Debbie is the WORST person to sit next to because she's a competition god and I am unsure of my Veto capabilities next to her.

- What's that? Veto extended deadline? Therefore Calvin must stay up all damn night for these results. SIGH.

- Waiting for Veto results. All I know is that if HoH is endurance and I end up staying, Jennifer is DEAD. MEAT.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptyFri Aug 13, 2021 3:35 am

8/12/21 7:30 AM - 8/13/21 3:23 AM

- Veto results posted! I thought I had it in the bag tbh. Turns out that the word count definitely fucked me over. If I only had 500 more words, I could actually, like... Win. Ugh. That’s upsetting. At least the third best person to win, won.

- Debbie won which was the third best scenario, plus, I’ll need her in the future. Comp beasts existing help me stay in the game, as a shield, fighting WITH me, etc.


- Jaida goes up in Debbie’s place, BORING, STALE, no doubt because of Negasonic spreading rumors.

- Though I use my own DPOV and nominate Ember. I thought she had a hand in my nomination, if she didn’t, cool. I just didn’t want the potential to waste it. In hindsight I could have nominated Max or Squirt, but that’s not a DPOV nomination, now is it? Even if it fails, it’ll be known for being a strong nomination that failed. Better than putting up an inactive coaster like Squirt.

- Ember and I got to talking and realize the root of all our problems has been Jennifer, so I pitch Ember a deal. I wont nominate her when I win the endurance and she won’t do the same to me... Or Debbie. Weird. I don’t know why she’s agreeing to that. Though if she sees things from my point of view, it really does look like sis had a hand in my nomination which is helpful to know that things can be salvageable.

- If I win HoH, I’m going to nominate Jennifer and Max. If one of them comes off, Squirt’s ass can go up. About 7 hours ago I decided to hatch a plan to go for flip floppers in the middle (Sandra) however Sandra saved herself from me by having a lovely chat about how we want each other going into next week and the week after, which was extremely helpful and such a good game move on her part. Though, once Jennifer is plucked from the game by me or Debbie’s hands, Sandra is next on my list. She saved herself from being a guaranteed backdoor/renom if Jenn came down to buying her a few more weeks with me personally. So. That’s good on her.

- Relationship with Dorothy and Steve increased?
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Nightly Thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nightly Thoughts   Nightly Thoughts EmptySun Aug 15, 2021 4:48 am

8/13/21 3:23 AM - 8/15/21 4:00 AM

- This one will be short because I am a fucking zombie.

- So I won the Golden Veto. Fucking hell, that means I have to play it this week. Or I could be EXTREMELY selfish if I'm not nominated.

- Debbie is in trouble this week.

- The powers they have are really stacking up. Ugh.

- I spent 24 hours of my life posting my ass off. ALONE. I only had help from Ted for about 85% of this. Ted helped for 80/120 minutes, Webkinz helped out for 20/120 minutes, and Debbie helped out for 30/120 minutes. Steve had Steven, Sam, Ember, Jennifer, Peach, Manu, Matt, and Jules helping him out. Crazy. I literally whalloped him when I posted on my own. This fucking game.
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