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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptySat Jul 31, 2021 11:22 am

Well, I started off this game on the wrong foot probably, as I was literally at the bar, drunk af, and I have a 20 page story to finish writing before the challenge today… but that’s ok! I’m going to have to adjust. Nagisa probably doesn’t like me, as I didn’t finish my response to her. From first impressions, they’re giving me Calvin vibes but I feel Calvin wouldn’t pick an anime character because it’s too obvious, but then again, maybe they wanted Steve and anime was secondary. Dunno. Either way, I need to recover and compensate for my lack of activity last night. I didn’t get THAT many messages at least.

Rn my game plan is going to be pass myself off as Mari, ppl know I was drunk last night, but they should also know Mari was drunk too, and thankfully my plan was already to type like her (I think it’s a good plan to be like her because she’s good at comps but doesn’t have that target stamped on her back like I do since she’s known for her loyalty and kindness, while I’m not. The additional layer I want to add to that is I will be a gay man with a boyfriend on surface level things if ppl ask me questions. I have a lot of a new personality mapped out because I think it’s going to be imperative I remain concealed, identity-wise.

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptySat Jul 31, 2021 7:56 pm

Okay, so my strategy for The Purge was to stall on each part a little bit. Arisa is notorious for revealing times, and I did not want to fuck with that. I don't need to be marked as threat #1, when Sandra can do that for me. I'm intrigued about who she might be, as of now, literally no idea. Likely someone from an early season who I don't know tbh! Either way, I'd like to align with her. I'm happy Sam did well too, I really like him. Besides him, I really like Matt, the way he types is so nice <3 But anyway, Sam finished quickly, so did Cruella & Jules (who I should speak with next tbh).

I'm still embarrassed about my drunk messages on the forum yesterday, but tbh, I think they served me well, because most people know I handle myself well even with alcohol, and I HATE being embarrassing or cringey more than LITERALLLY anything, so sounding like a freak probs helped me. Nagisa also mentioned half the cast was drunk, and I've been hearing that it was a quiet night, so hopefully not too much to catch up on. After I take my sweet ass time writing this DR instead of looking at the final part of the challenge, then I can make my way around to messaging people more and more. I was shooting for upper middle of the pack, and I'm pleased with being fifth. I probably should have waited for sixth, but I'd like for people to view me as an asset, so a little higher mid is good.

Also, I logged out of Jigsaw planet to hide my time ofc, but Calvin and Dale didn't log out lmfaooo. Calvin did a little faster than me (which is good, meant I wasn't going too fast and was going at a pretty slow enough pace), and Dale took 109 minutes or whatever (eek!), so that's just good to note I guess. Tbh Calvin might even be Jules lol, picking a trans character, but not anime this time around? Dunno, just a guess based on puzzle time coinciding.

Either way, I think this will work well, and at least I can finish my irl shit tonight while the others are forced to not be social due to the challenge, yasss <333

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyMon Aug 02, 2021 5:18 am

Well, this was a pretty chill round. Ideally, tbh, Jerry leaving would be optimal, because it seems he's talked to more people than Manu has. I'm always down to keep around inactives, y'all know that, but I guess it's ok. Sailor Moon is ok, she seems like she won't be much of an asset, and since the whole house likes her, voting to keep her is very much a non-factor. I don't need to make waves rn though, I can just vote with the house (though I am lowkey considering throwing a vote on Jerry just for fun).

On the bright side, I did connect with Ember a bit, and she seemed a bit more on edge and proactive campaigning, and I do feel she will actually be grateful to me. Maybe she'll be more of an asset. We shall see.

I've now ALMOST spoken to everyone. I have NOT spoken to Rebecca, Ted, Manu, Tony, and Jerry. Manu will leave nearly unanimously, so he's a non-factor, but I should probably talk to Ted. The others I can leave open as nom options since they haven't spoken to me, but I don't think it's fair to touch Ted yet. Tbh I feel bad for not reaching out lol. This weekend was horribly busy. I'm hoping that I haven't given away my identity because of the fact people knew I was stressed and busy this weekend, but I hope my masquerade as Mari is decent enough to deflect from that. I feel like I'm doing a good job of pretending not to be me. In all honesty, I think Jennifer comes off as me LOL. The way she speaks is very much how I naturally speak, and I'm lowkey drawn to her. I tried to stay away from her and pretend I've never seen Jennifer's Body and pretend to be uninterested in Megan Fox (I'm trying to pretend to like men it's tru), but regardless, she came to me, and I really liked her.

Now, the other ones I feel the best with are Sandra, Jules, and Sam. I was really feeling Matt more before he told me he doesn't talk to Sam, meanwhile Sam told me he talks a lot to Matt. I feel like lying and saying you talk to someone is uncommon, but deflecting from the fact you talk to someone is more common. So maybe Matt feels good with Sam and doesn't want to say? Or maybe he just didn't want to give much away. He might be more closed off if he's already been open with too many others.

Anyway, I'm very interested in the BBQ Nightclub. The VIP lounge costing money to get into is interesting. I like that we need to post to get in at all, so I'm going to try to focus on that ASAP after I update my notes and such, but we also need BBQ bucks to get in anyway, so I have some time. I'm sad we don't get money for spam posting, but I guess at least we can focus more on social game than worry about that.

The VIP Packages don't seem worth it. The power I am MOST drawn to is Extra Security, but that is a LOT. Being eligible in all HOHs is delicious, and also, you get BBQ bucks (and more EACH TIME) when you win HOHs. Sandra and I already discussed how this season promotes comp wins so the big competitors are going to show themselves, but I mentioned to her how we can win and get a lot of money via more wins, so we'll see what she says. Back to the nightclub though, in terms of prices, I think the DPOV is the best thing at this point, because it's affordable (comparatively) and also good. I doubt it would be used before someone has enough for a VIP Pass, so it seems reasonable to forego those, and just wait to but it when needed.

In terms of houseguests now: A big blind spot I've had is Cruella, which was foolish, because she did so well in the challenge. I need to work on her. Then there's that damn frog who I haven't spoken to until really late. Not optimal for me to leave that blindspot open when he'll likely be good at comps. I do think I need to finish up socializing with everyone in the morning in case someone wins HOH that I'm not cool with. I think this season I'm going to go for HOH round 3 or 4 if possible to establish more connections. Again, at least this round was nice and easy, I shot for fifth in the comp and got fifth in the comp, and now I've moved on to be looked at as respectable, but not a HUGE threat. Perfect.

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 12:25 pm

In terms of how I’m feeling this week, I’d say mediocre for now. I think My relationships with Jules, Jennifer, and Ember are going to help me this week, because even if I did end up on the block, I don’t think I’d go home (at least not next to Rebecca or Peach, who appear to be very inactive). Jules and Ember want Rebecca to stay and talk more to her.. Which makes me want her OUT. I don’t like when my allies have these vulnerable, not-well connected allies. That makes them loyal to them. Sure, it means if I connect with her, we could all align and become a block of numbers, but in the general sense, I’d prefer my allies to need me more.

I think I’m appealing to work with for two reasons rn:

1. I’m clearly not very social. I disappear a lot, and people DO talk to me, but not everyone can say they’ve talked to me, which makes people feel more special when I answer them. (Jules better be feeling the damn love because she’s the only hoe I answer fast!)

2. I did well in the Purge comp, but not too good. I’m an asset, but not a liability (like Sam might be looked at as. I kind of want Sam out, ngl).

Now, I know that doesn’t compensate for my lack of reaching out to many, but I do try to be engaging enough and not stick strictly to fluff. I’ll do my due diligence, but I also jump into game talk too, which I think will be appealing for people, as it’s hard to get game talk going otherwise if no one wants to start it. That’s why I like Ember and Jules so much. Even Sandra. They don’t keep it too fluffy, they get into the meat of things, which is exactly what I need. Like let’s be real, cut the crap. I don’t give a FUCK how 24 people’s days are. Neither does ANYONE else, so fuck the bullshit. The only one I genuinely enjoy talking to on a personal level is Negasonic (as usual Wink), and Jaida (loml tbh!). I also like Max’s attitude. He seems to be as annoyed with talking to people as I am, which I love the realness.

Anyway, I’m very grateful to Ember and Max, because I feel without them, my relationship to Matt and Tony would be minimal. I’d liked Matt from the beginning, but he’s over-aligned from what I can tell, so I’m glad he was basically forced into 4 Men & a Dead Girl with me. Learned that from Jordan in Posey’s All Stars tbh.. Obnoxiously forcing someone into an alliance with you right before noms in order to avoid the block is effective, so true <333

I kind of do.. Like Tony’s energy now that I’m talking to him. Negasonic called him an oddball, but he seems pretty normal to me? We shall see. I know he doesn’t trust me yet, and it’s shitty that I told people I was voting for Ember in order to make the second HOH someone I felt good with (implying that I did NOT feel good with Tony or Negasonic). I mean I told people I liked them all, but still, I think people like Jennifer, Debbie, and Jules know my train of thought, so I have to hope it doesn’t get back to him. Tony seems like a guy’s guy though (which actually is making me question if my ID guesses for him are accurate…), and I’m a guy… so maybe that’ll be helpful. I think I really flopped when I decided to type the way I am in game, because it does contradict the male image a lot, which isn’t going to diffuse mt persona well. Either way, I kind of have to stick with it now. I was no where near as prepared for this season as I was for season 8, as I had a lengthy document with a new personality fleshed out, and this time around, I simply haven’t had the time.

Either way, I think moving forward I’m going to be loyal to Jules first and foremost, and align with her, Sandra, and Jennifer together. Then second most will be Ember, and align with Max strongly. I trust Max, because it’s clear he and I were a vote for Ember to win HOH, meanwhile others were bullshitting.

The frog, Jaida, and Kim all implied they were voting for Ember. Only one of them did. I believe it was the frog… so that could be good. But it also could have been Kim. I think using that vote can leverage a strong connection between whichever 3 it was.

Anyway, I'm at work and didn't proof read this, but I'm busy later (kms), so I figured I'd post this now so I don't forget. I need BBQ bucks badly. I already have a lot, so I NEED to spam post imminently to make sure I can dance in the nightclub as soon as possible for more money. Tonight I'll finish updating my notes fully (my charts are up to date, but I need my detailed log fleshed out and to take a closer look at those damn songs).

Thanks for reading if you did xoxo <3

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2021-07-25

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 12:36 pm

I read xoxo

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 1:51 pm

Sam is giving me overaligned. NEXT! So is Matt but at least we're more solid I think for now.

Random, but I'd die for Jules???? I love her so much.

I also really really like Jennifer, but I'm hoping I'm not blinded by the character choice. Whoever chose her knew what they were doing, oml

Buying 10 tickets Arisa pls...Freddie better not scam me.

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyWed Aug 04, 2021 2:46 pm

I just DON'T like Cruella. I can't stand talking to ha.

I don't want to talk to ANY of these whores. Except my Jules, Ember, Jennifer, Sandra even TONY! Also I like Negasonic on a personal level, but I feel like on a game level we aren't getting anywhere. Oh and I like Peach now... WHY DO I LIKE PEOPLE SO LATE WHY DIDN'T I TALK TO HER SOONER

I need to talk to Nagisa more. He's active though and doesn't talk to me THAT much, so I have to be wary. I want to work on that. I suddenly like Squirt a lot more. I can't believe I didn't realize that was Posey right away. THE FACT THAT I STILL CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHO MARI IS THO?? WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? Is she Debbie??? Jules??? I thought Squirt for a second because of how hilarious and flirty he was, but now I'm like OHH ok ok bad read. Anyway.

My game plan moving forward is to make a bunch of smaller alliances, send answers to all of them. I don't really NEED to win this next one, but I also don't mind going for it. Lowkey... LOWKEY... I would be so down to Backdoor Cruella if it seemed feasible. It probably isn't though, there are far too many people that are tighter with others and who won't tell me who they're close to, and she's social.

I think Sam, Jules, Sandra, Jennifer, Debbie, and Cruella are all social threats. But I like Jules, Sandra, and Jennifer. I'm not fond of the others so much (Debbie I liked more before I realized she had so many people), so my goal is going to be to find their outliers that they like, and eliminate them. I need minimal blood, I need to not piss off any big fish rn (it's 22 people left, let me not be rash and jump the gun. even in a cast of 16 that could be suicide. Sorry Sailor Moon, I AGREE about Debbie, but that's going to have to wait; she's gotta go, but rn..? Rn... I'd actually just like to get closer to her. I need to utilize her. Otherwise I'd agree she had to go asap).

But yeah, any outliers who WILL have a chance to go home that are close to Sam, Cruella, or Debbie? They've gotta go. I need to weaken their numbers before I ultimately take a shot at them. I trust Jules, but I also think she's close to Sam. Even MORE reason for Sam to be my number one target in the long run. I need Jules on MY side. Tbh, scratch everything else, main priority is to weaken Sam rn. But then again, for all I know, Sam has the whole house. Hate that. I'm in a tough spot rn, and I'm not used to playing the underdog game, but all the things I'm saying to people make sense. I told Peach I want to work together now, and I mean that. I need more people, and so will she. That's why I like Ember and Max so much. No one wanted to give Ember HOH, and no one is fond of Ember or Max in particular. I like that a LOT. They're good with me.

I'll post more thoughts later when I'm not at work, but that's a rough game plan for long term. For short term, I need to figure out who I'd nominate next to Jerry. Not Cosmo, I don't want to tie up Debbie's loose end for her. I'll talk to him more today. Jerry and... someone will definitely be going up if I win. Backdoor Cruella?? Jk... unless? <33 (I don't have the numbers for that who am I kidding, I just need a slow build, make connections from the HOH, thennnn when I have stronger allies, I can go from there).

This game is shaky for me, but I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of it.

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2021-07-25

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyWed Aug 04, 2021 3:14 pm

You're doing fine <3 I'm happy you're starting off slower honestly bc it's helping you conceal your ID. I know you'll get it kicked into high gear here shortly
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyWed Aug 04, 2021 3:40 pm

Arisa Cox wrote:
You're doing fine <3 I'm happy you're starting off slower honestly bc it's helping you conceal your ID. I know you'll get it kicked into high gear here shortly

Thank you, I'm really doing my best, but it's been a struggle, I'll get back into it soon <3

That's true about the ID thing. The only people I think are perceptive enough and know me well enough to find me are Slimm, Morgan, and Mari, and it worries me that I'm not 100% on who any of them might be. I know THIS TIME Mari won't hesitate to fuck me up, I've done her dirty so many times now, and Morgan is a SNAKE  General Thoughts  1f602

I'm also worried that the damn frog is gonna sniff me out I'll CRY! HE WILL NOT GET THE JUMP ON ME!!! I'm gonna be his bestie idc idc <33

If Squirt or Cruella sniff me out that's also very bad! I DON'T NEED THESE HOES ON MY NECK!!

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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyWed Aug 04, 2021 3:47 pm

Real talk what are the frog's in-game pronouns? Is this a Moolissa type deal? She/her we going with?
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyThu Aug 05, 2021 2:13 pm

DARE ME <33333333 Drooling over Beth Cassidy forever, it's true. Light of my life. Fire in my Soul. My love. My baby. My angel. The best character. My EVERYTHING!!!

It would be so wrong of me to not participate in an activity titled "Dare Me"

I, rambunctiously decide to absolutely PUSH THE BUTTON!! Twisted Evil

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2021-07-25

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyThu Aug 05, 2021 3:30 pm

Colette is better tbh
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyThu Aug 05, 2021 6:02 pm

Arisa Cox wrote:
Colette is better tbh

Helloe?? She is a fucking predator. She is trash. Is she sexy as hell? Absolutely. Willa Fitzgerald is a goddess.

Beth Cassidy is a sweet, precious child. Her upbringing is horrid. Addy hurts her every day. Collette knows what she's doing to her and keeps doing it. Beth is doing her best, and she is SO loving. Her trauma is unmatched and it manifests poorly sometimes, but she's BABY. She is traumatized. And she does her damn best. BETH CASSIDY WILL BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyThu Aug 05, 2021 6:34 pm

Okay, so I think I really want to align with the outsiders. I think that the outsiders are going to be more trustworthy, hence why Ember, Webkinz, and Squirt are going to be important to protect. The exception of outsiders I want to protect is Jerry. The exception of insiders I want to protect is Jules. Idk who she is, she kinda is serving me Mari sometimes but more serious? Idk. But I'm... in love with that bitch. She is iconic.

Going into this next round, I think it will serve me better long term to keep the outsiders off the table. Maybe do something like Tony suggested: Say the outliers are off limits. What info can you offer me. See who throws who under the bus. Assess relationships. Target the well connected by putting them next to each other, and then a core social threat can go, disbanding the closeness of other tightly-knit groups.

On the bright side, I think I have a strong relationship with Squirt that not many others have. I REALLY wanted Peach around to work with, but I felt this would appease more people (Tony, Matt, Max) and it would prevent Squirt from going. This was a miscalculation, as clearly throwing more votes on Peach actually risked Cosmo staying, but thankfully it worked out in the end, and I was right, ENOUGH votes were going to Cosmo that it would be fine. Poor Peach though, ideally, me, Peach, Squirt, Ember, Max, and Webkinz could have formed an outsiders group (but with me and Ember as the core obviously, covered by Jules, Jennifer, etc.).

I'm also glad Tony feels the way I do about Cruella. Jules doesn't seem to feel the same way, however, if she's up next to another social threat, then maybe it would be fine. I'd probably talk to her openly about it, just like she talked to me openly about noms when she was asking for advice.

I don't particularly want this next HOH because I want Jerry eliminated by someone first. But I also would take it if someone I don't feel great with is around.

I'll post more thoughts later. I just need my BBQ bucks xoxo this is a short one <3
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 3:28 am

Sam's number 3 is Sandra Bullock, got to keep that in mind. I quite like them both, but just have to be aware of who likes each other. This HOH is annoying. I got 2.5hrs of sleep last night, so this is a bit of a struggle in terms of timing, but I'm trying to make the most of it by enhancing my social game and posting a bit. I feel much better with Sam, and kind of feel like he can win it. I just REALLY do not want Jerry to win it, but if he does, I think Webkinz and Squirt can help me out. But I do NOT want Jules in danger. So he's worst case scenario. I have a deal with everyone else left in this comp (Ted is a pleasant surprise, I'm going out on a limb with him and opening up to him about targets!)

Dorothy is also, I think, just trying to pry information out of me. She says we have the same target in mind... but do we? I want Cruella out. Ember and Max are down. Tony is down. Tony says Dorothy might be on the same page but that Dorothy is closer to the other girls. Dunno what to make of that.

I really just need to talk to Jerry. I was hoping for a private room but I think I'll have to PM.

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