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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 6:42 am

Idk if I should take the immunity or not. I don't think my allies could be mad if I do.. but I actually do want to protect Jules from Jerry. I also just gave up money to Ember (I would have picked Jules maybe, but she has enough). I'm not sure if I need this. I would not be put up anyway, I don't think. I'm working on Jerry now to not put me up. Kim and Ted already said they won't, but idk who they would do either.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 8:24 am

Cruella such a fake bitch I know she throwing everything I can’t stand her
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 8:24 am

Jerry kinda cool tbh.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 5:12 pm

I do not like these nominations, but I DO love how safe I am with Jerry (not me being aligned with the whole house?? Lol, sick of people who say I rely on comps. I know I don't). I really went into that endurance comp on 2.5 hours of sleep, worked 9-5, threw up because of mayonnaise, and stayed alert for 15 hours only to NOT get an incentive. In the end, it's maybe good I did not get a public incentive though, it could draw a target. Rn, I appear to always be close to winning, making me an asset, but not a WINNER, therefore not a threat. I can tell because both Jules and Jennifer asked to pick me for HG's Choice. I hope I do not get chosen. I really really do not want to play, I feel safe and would much rather Jules win. In fact, fucking stupid ass cocky bitch Cruella getting that 50 dollars to not play in Veto was sick, I would have taken that immediately. I've learned from the err of my ways though, and now am typing this split screened with the Dare Me thread open with an auto refresher. I wish the forum gave notifs for me lmfao, tragic.

Anyway, I do think Jennifer is screwed against Jules, no matter what Jerry says, which is kind of okay with me? But I also like her, and I think she can be an asset (though she seems to not be the best at comps).

Tbh, my ideal scenario is Jules winning Veto. Then I do not have to go against Jerry's wishes at all, she gets safety as well as a fat target on her back, and then she is a vote to keep Jennifer with me. Ember and Max, I think, could be convinced to keep her as well, and then we would likely have Sam, Jules, Tony, and MAYBE that fake bitch Sandra (Sandra is in every damn alliance I just know it). Tbh, Matt, Max, Ember, me, and Tony could all vote together, and then if me, Sam, and Jules also vote together that's even more. That weird Six alliance with Dorothy and Kim is probably going to be useless.

I don't think the Outsider alliance would keep her, so boo, cross out Webkinz & Squirt (yes I could quote Jennifer's Body all day). I feel like maybe people like Negasonic could be connected to her too. I'm sure she has other allies. There would definitely be a chance.

I would honestly love to help Jules and Jennifer in Veto tonight in an alliance chat together, but they'd want help separately. Unfortunate, but valid. I think I'm going to help Jules more. I really do think the ideal thing for us moving forward is keeping Jules as a target in later weeks but also as an asset (hopefully she doesn't fade too far into the background), and then Jennifer can be loyal for now.

I think this will solidify a lot of trust with various people this week (Jules by helping her, Jenn by keeping her, Jerry by seeming in support of him, the outsiders because now we're solid, and the men + ember group because we can all be on the same page again).
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 5:22 pm

Wait, I actually can't vote... that's fine with me actually, I don't need to pick any sides this week and make any waves, I love it here????

I just need to NOT be picked for Veto, PLS AND THNX <33333

Let's get Jules this win! Sad I can't vote to keep Jenn in that case, but oh well. I think I'm actually in a good spot socially, and my loose ends are Negasonic and Cruella mostly. Cruella will throw for a bit (clearly) though, so I think I'm covered on nearly every front rn, but I do want to build trust with my allies too by following through on my prospects.

Side note: Ted is super cool. I like him.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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General Thoughts  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 07, 2021 9:47 pm

Kim is feeling too safe. WANTING stakes? Telling people you WANT stakes on you? How stupid are you? May as well announce that you're too comfortable in this game. Good to know though. You're SO well connected that you're a perfect pawn!!

Idk, I guess that's only to an extent though, because she does have incentive to BLATENTLY throw rn, so at least she's not an imminent threat, but if she were to win, it WOULD be bad.

I doubt I could get this HOH. Maybe Ember could get it? Maybe Jennifer?

I think Ember has the best shot, she's well connected, but also Jaida might, and I know she is clearly close to Cruella & Debbie. Hate that.

I would like to get one of those people out. BADLY. I don't trust them at all. We need our 6 votes to become a majority by eliminating one of theirs.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 07, 2021 11:15 pm

Cruella de Vil wrote:
I’m feeling great with Ted as HoH, thank you for asking. What about yourself?

go fuck urself?
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 07, 2021 11:19 pm

Ted as HOH is not entirely ideal, I wish I'd piled votes on him, but I needed some on Negasonic too. A social HOH was not ideal after coming out in the minority, but I should have campaigned for Ted to not win. This is going to be yet another waste of a week it seems.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 08, 2021 10:55 pm

I do not trust Ted one single bit. I felt in danger. I think Ted made it very clear he, like him, is playing the middle, but was just not able to be as active about ASKING for stakes like Kim. My ideal turnout for this week is to force Ted into thinking Nagisa will stay over Matt, as it is clear Ted is a PUSSY (jk he's being smart) and will not make a move. That's not bad though, because I also do not want Ted making  big move against my side's bigger players (Ember, Dorothy, Sam, Jennifer, etc). So this hesitance is beneficial for me rn.

But ANYWAY, the reason for me not using it on Matt and using it on Webkinz instead was simple: Matt is good for my alliance. Webkinz is good for ME. I need to be in good with The Other Guys, and I also need the Six to feel comfortable with me, and tbh, the Six and I need more numbers than just us and Matt. We need Matt AND Webkinz, and if we have Webkinz, I think we could also have some pull on Squirt in some regard. I just feel like I needed Jerry (comp beast) to trust me more than I needed the Six to because Jerry has more options, meanwhile the Six are downright stuck with me. They can be annoyed I didn't do exactly what they want, but they can't turn on me, because the other side is already solidified, and there is no breaking into that. They need me, so no repurcussions, even if they are "confused" and "annoyed," impact wise, it's perfect for me, and I'm PROVING loyalty to Webkinz, and hopefully will get their vote this week to keep Matt.

Matt was also very understanding about me not using it, and because I think Matt will have Tony and will have our people, and also now potentially the outsiders via my Veto use, there is a liklihood of TWO of our numbers staying this week. Nagisa is more a number for the others since he was saved by them, not us, so if we can use a fucking TED HOH to take out THEIR NUMBER, that is... immaculate.

So I brought up to Ted that Squirt does not have a precedent for staying in a 1v1 vote the way Nagisa does. I am pitching to my people that Nagisa only stayed because Jules took the power. To Ted, I am pitching that Nagisa stayed against a really well connected player, thus proving Nagisa is a safe pawn to put up to get Matt out. If Ted wants to play it safe, we are going to sic some people on him instead by keeping them around. Is Matt a good competitor? Who knows. But he seems loyal and understanding, and I don't think he has much elsewhere to go either. He may not be as close to me as the frog, but he is a number just like the Webkinz is.

We basically just can retain two numbers instead of just one with this move. And even if it's not Nagisa and it's Squirt, it's still fine for me, because I get the loyalty of Webkinz more fully and no one else does, and the others can't lose trust in me because I am still very much an asset fighting for them, and I explained my reasoning honestly.

I feel pretty excited this week. It's fun. I can't believe I am working with this damn frog... When this man finds out it's me and he foes from 🐸 General Thoughts  - Page 2 2764 to 🐸 🔪 thought I'll cackle. This is so new for us if it really is him. I think it might be being that he did so well in that comp too.

I'm also kind of happy I won THIS comp over others because I am not really known to know BBQ trivia that much? Like yes maybe this win could scream Sophia, but idk. It might not because of the content of it. (Speaking of, that comp was FUN AS HELL I LOVED IT KATHY you are so fucking creative this season. Even though Truth or Dare killed me and made me throw up, I loved it conceptually, and this one? It was dope. Even the Stakes thing was interesting even though it fucked my minority alliance up. I'm having sm fun, and I love this game despite my 9 hours of sleep total as of the past 4 nights xoxo ily.)
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 09, 2021 9:27 pm

Today has been a GREAT day for my game. Just as planned, saving Webkinz worked wonders for me, and through saving her, I solidified The Other Guys and was able to explain my reasoning well enough to the six that now with Matt staying, we officially have the Seven Stars. The Seven Stars are who I trust the most in this game to be cohesive (though I have Webkinz and Squirt to the side as allies as well who are more isolated, and therefore going to be the most loyal)

Winning that veto concerns me because it involved past knowledge of BBQ. I’m hoping that people think that people were either a) giving me answers b) am from an early season and just watch or c) umm just think it’s someone who isn’t me yeah xoxo.

HOWEVER, back to the positives! Nagisa is GONE. Thank god, because honestly, I did not waste much of my energy talking to her since I figured she’d be out perjury anyway. I know myself, and I know my social game is my weak point, so I’d rather expend my energy on those I think will be useful rather than those I think will be going home anyway. It’s risky to not just talk to everyone, but it helps me, since I physically cannot do it all. It’s too much, and is definitely my biggest flaw.

Irregardless, I feel the 7 have a lot of unity now moving forward. We just need to get power ONE more time to have numbers. We need this momentum to stay. The only one of my people I don’t fully trust is Jerry. Also Ted is making an alliance with me, Jennifer, Dorothy, and Jerry which is odd. I feel closer to the former than the latter. I don’t trust Ted.

Ted is highly intelligent. He made the best moves he could tbh, and had just one more person voted his way, he’d have escaped pretty bloodlessly and been able to slip back under the radar. He makes the right alliances when he needs to, and he knows what to ask wherein he gives NO information, and gets a lot. You can tell he is very much in a solid middle position where he gets a ton of info (no one should forget him only getting 3 stakes), and he is in a place that is very beneficial to him. If I had a boot order list, he would be 3rd to go. I don’t think he wants to win rn, which is why it can wait, just like with NTW, she doesn’t want to win and wants to go after liars, so she can wait. The main people that need to go asap are Debbie and Cruella, because they’re the most bold, and I think the little amount that we talk is very indicative of our trust of each other. We don’t even waste the time with pleasantries anymore. It’s just war. I think if Debbie is next to Cruella, Debbie would go though, and I don’t love that. I kind of think Jaida is a safer pawn, but I don’t want to piss her off when I could just put up the people who already actively dislike me.

Ted likely ran back to Debbie immediately when I threw out her name, and apparently she’s going around talking about me now, so it won’t be a bad thing to win and nom her. We already have nothing going so there’s nothing to tarnish.

Ideally Ember, Max, or Jennifer win this HOH! Jennifer is very well informed about things, but her telling me stuff about who she thinks is TOO tight today is interesting (Jaida, Tony, Ted, Cruella, Debbie, Kim NTW), because those are all the people on the other side and it seems she really does want to break that up. They never vote with her so… period.

Hoping for the best tonight! I’d take a win, but obviously it would be better to not win back to back and show myself as a threat yet.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 09, 2021 11:59 pm

This. Girl. Is. The. Nastiest. Skank. Bitch. I. Have. Ever. Met. Do. Not. Trust. Her. She. Is. A. Fugly. SLUT.


Putting me up next to Webkinz is a mistake. The 7 and the Outsiders could keep me this way if I stay up. Also, if Sam or Ember win, they could take me down. Ember def would, idk about Sam. I hope Jenn gets picked.


"My first nomination is Steve. I’ve heard from multiple people you wanted Ted to go after those called out by Jules in the last round. That would include me. I wish people wouldn’t take so much stock in an evictee’s word but, if you are and I’m your target because of it, I have to nominate you here."

WHY DO YOU PUT THE COMMA AFTER THE BUT??? IT IS A MOTHER FUCKING CONJUNTION, PUT THE FUCKING CLAUSES TOGETHER PROPERLY BITCH. Putting me up is one thing. Putting me up with improper, yet still pretentious grammar is another. Fuck her.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 3:22 am

Well that high I had was short lived, huh? We had the entire Seven Stars working together on finding those differences, and Jenn, Sam, and I were all in the lead… and then it all came crumbling down when we couldn’t find the seam in Patrick’s damn shorts. Hate that for us. We were very close, but Debbie is a beast.

Everything I said to Ted got back to Debbie. I clearly can’t trust him no matter how many fake alliances he wants to make with me. Negasonic also could have told her what I said, but the timing is a bit off, so idk. Negasonic also offered to help me in the Veto, which is interesting. She also admitted she will be throwing comps, which is extra interesting to admit. She feels safe, but wbk, she should. John is good like that. But yeah, she wants to evict liars, but I think me spinning it to emphasize I am super transparent about my targets is a good thing. She probably is helping multiple people though, because, well, I mean that’s something I’d do. Build some loose trust but help the people you actually want to win the most, so can’t let it lull me into a false sense of security, but also can’t let her think I see through it.

In regards to Debbie’s speech, it was smart of her to mention that I “mentioned” all those called out by my baby Jules’s eviction speech. I never said I wanted to go for them though, and I’m explaining to to people as I mentioned her being called out TWICE making her a big target that would “stick” as per Ted’s questions. Not a personal affront to all of them.

Either way, I have the 7, and I think I could convince Jerry and Squirt to keep me over Webkiniz due to the fact I’m an asset to them and a big shield. Call me delusional, but even Sandra or NTW could throw a vote if they feel my shielding is beneficial. It sucks to be a “shield” at F18 though. Objectively, it’s bad game play on my part to let this happen, and I’m disappointed in myself. I rolled the dice and said go big or go home I guess! Greater risk greater reward. Unfortunately this risk did not pay off.

Either way, I COULD have the votes, but I’m going to pitch to my alliance something crazy: We pool our money to get a DPOV first. That’s a bit crazy, sure, because it’s early and would make me a big target using it.. But I already have about 250 dollars if my math is right. If my allies have around 200 then we could pool some together. The 6 of them (plus Squirt) would have to give me around 100 each then, and I could afford it and put Cruella up. It is not THAT much money if you think about it. Also lowkey I’m just thinking of the SHEER comedic value of sending Cruella home perjury on her bestie’s HOH. I want to pitch it as a solid way to gain numbers. We had majority with this round had we won HOH to decide votes. But we lost. We will be helpless again. If this happens and they lose a number again, we decide the vote every week. We run this house and are no longer the minority. It would genuinely be plausible and benefit us, and it would be SO FUNNY no one would EVER expect a DPOV perjury at F18 on a random vote… but it would be SO HILARIOUS. 1000 to get in the VIP and buy it this round. I have 250. They need to split 750. I think Jennifer might have even more money than me, and she seems fired up this round so she might be in. Ember I gave money to myself, so she’d feel indebted. Sam seems loyal and like a team player the way Matt is. Squirt I could even convince to throw a few dollars in by saying I just want a double vote, but then really I pop off with a DPOV. The fact that this is feasible is so funny to me.

That’s where my head is at rn! I have work in the morning and then a meeting for Uni so gtg, but love you hosts!! Tonight’s challenge looked really tedious to keep track of, so good job!! It was creative and cute <3
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

General Thoughts  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 9:10 am

Dorothy, Jennifer, and Ember are lowkey crazy enough AND rich enough for something wild to happen.. I think the DPOV can be used after the normal Veto ceremony right? So we'd have time to decide based on the Veto winner too... this is so fucking funny to think about LOL I love my alliance.

Going to stay positive! If Debbie gets me out, then good for her, and well played, but.. I'm not gonna lay down and die no ma'am <3
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 11:44 am

I'm realizing my DPOV plan is unrealistic because he other side just needs to buy a Double Vote or Vote Steal to keep Cruella around even if she goes up. I doubt we would have money for two powers, nor would there be willingness for two. I need to check the window for buying things. If it's small and they can't retaliate after the Veto Ceremony... hm. Unlikely to work. But I'm hoping me pitching to be willing to do this for the others in the future show's I'm serious about them and an asset.
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Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: General Thoughts    General Thoughts  - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 11, 2021 9:49 pm

Okay, well I was elated going into this round, and even happier coming out of it. Firstly, Sam getting evicted was NOT bad for my game at all, because the 6 think I was solid with them, and Webkinz was so solid and confident in me that they offered to send me their money should they get evicted. Cruella offered me an olive branch and said we don’t have to be after one another and can work with Webkinz, and Debbie, well, Debbie nommed me and now she’s up, BUT if she is safe, we have a semi-deal, because if she stick to it, in theory, it’s a great idea. The middle people are the ones who have to go, like Tony and Ted. They’re good but they’re UTR and smart. I want them gone. Also Sam gave Sandra a double vote and she voted to keep him...that is amazing to know, because that makes me trust Sandra a lot more as someone in the middle but more toward us. Jenn and I should scoop her up. Still can't believe both noms trusted me though, I rlly ate that.

Also SO happy about Debbie wasting her money on an advantage, so now if they buy a DPOV, we just retaliate with a Triple Vote, and we’re solid. I have a ton of cash. My one regret is not dropping for money like my gut told me. Ember and Jenn were in TOO good a position, so I hope their positon goes down now so mine can be boosted up. I think it would’ve been sexy if Max got 150, I got 200, and Ted got none… which is what WOULD have happened if I went with my gut.. But oh well. Tbh a win is a win, and I’m happy we can get out a number of theirs this week now.

Also, this 24 hour punishment thing is going to suck, and I’m terrified to mess it up since I have work from 9-5 tomorrow and then am getting on a bus for 3 hours… BUT… it is what it is. I really did enjoy that comp tho, the creative aspect for the sins was great!

Now for this POV… I can’t win it everyone will know it’s me. I’ll try to write something decent and give it to Jenn. Gonna be annoying though.

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