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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 15, 2021 3:09 pm

Day 17 - August 15

ooooh so Steve is HOH. i feel like his best interests would be to put up Cruella/Debbie/Ted/Tony.

those people are clearly after him based on the divide and the DPOV being used by Cruella with the money pooling and what not

And Steve has elevated himself as a comp beast now. he should recognize that the others like Me, Negasonic, Sandra, Jerry are potential voting numbers for him in the game, so if he nominates multiple of that group, we'd end up still voting one of them out

i hope me being honest with Steve has me on his good side. cause we still discuss votes too. Negasonic said she doesnt even discuss votes with him, so although that makes me worry for her. i feel a bit better about my safety. not 100% though. anything could happen in this game

but i do think my trio with Ember and Sandra might help out. i still believe there is a core group of Jennifer/Ember/Dorothy/Steve. it makes sense. with Dorothy remaining distant on the surface, similar to how i'm doing with the 7th heaven group lol

also, in the works is a group of me, Jerry, Negasonic, and Sandra. i really like all of them. i feel like i would feel comfortable discussing votes and talking game in a group with them because they are all people who have given me useful information and insight too. if it's able to come together i feel like we'd have a broad reach on the house and dominate if we communicate and check in with each other

hoping for the best!

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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyMon Aug 16, 2021 11:57 am

Day 18 - August 16

so first off, no hard feelings. second off, why tf does steve always think i’m lying. like yeah i am hiding things Lol but the stats and logistics he brought to me to accuse me of something seemed so…. lacking

there were 7 other people who did better than me, and like 10 ppl who had over 2000 posts.

i’m sure Ted and Tony threw me under. maybe even Debbie. maybe not in a direct way, but probably egged on the idea i could have a dpov or pov. i would believe it if Tony had a hand in my nomination

steve claims i had over 4500 posts when the threads opened up a 2nd time…. what kind of bullshit…

the threads opened up a 2nd time from 10-11am BEFORE the special event. i didn’t make it past 4500 posts until i started posting for the special event AT 11:30 am.

he should have just told me i’m going up cause we aren’t aligned in the game. even though what he’s hinting with me getting a power is true, it was pure assumption on his end. i feel like he could have gained an ally in me but now things will be awk. also why lie to me and say i’m not being targeted? putting me on the block is still targeting me cause ur willing to risk my safety, stinky steve

i’m not completely surprised because yeah we aren’t even aligned lmfao. i just feel like he had plenty of options of ppl going after him.

he’s tightly cemented in with jenn, dorothy, and ember no matter how much they all deny it. if anything i am a pawn that they are willing to help take down to end up putting Debbie and Tony or Ted on the block.

idk, maybe Steve was worried i had pov and would use it on them and wants me to use it on myself? but babe…. the only person i’d use my power on other than myself rn is probably Negasonic

i hope i win POV later, but regardless Steve is about to nominate at least 4 people by the time he’s done with his HOH cause me and cruella both have golden pov’s lol

let me practice niceness to allow myself to fade into the background since Steve still seems to believe i’m “very very nice” which is hilarious to me sksksksks like babe i have claws and fangs and i can be mean, but i’m biting my tongue very hard ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 1f602

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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyMon Aug 16, 2021 4:50 pm

when life gives you lemons, you wear a smile on your face and make yourself pink lemonade because it's cute
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyMon Aug 16, 2021 4:56 pm

Kim Ki-Jung wrote:
when life gives you lemons, you wear a smile on your face and make yourself pink lemonade because it's cute

i shitted, i sharted. i farted, i arted. me may mah mo mu

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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyTue Aug 17, 2021 10:06 am

Day 19 - August 17


i highly Jerry and Sandra are keeping him..... just because those 2 do not lie to me. and we have groups solidifying ourselves to vote the same way. Dorothy and Ember most definitely voted Ted out too.....

then Debbie also said she voted him out.....

at this point i think Ted only has Cruella, Webby, and 1 or 2 more random hinky votes

if i'm wrong.... well Ted might be upset with me.... i just really hope this vote does not end up being close
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 2:27 am

Day 20 - August 18

i did Ted dirty huh , jk not that dirty. he was a big baby for that. idgaf about the principle, this ain't real life. that would have been a waste of a power. sorry love. you love my ass and that's why it hurt you so much, i get it.

but Ember... oh Ember. the way things have oddly shifted so that we are becoming closer and closer as the game goes on. i didn't like how things started off very shady with her. RIP Nagisa LOL , but now Ember is hooking us up with Max, probably a comp beast, and like?? that's really good for us if all goes well lol. i will say though i am still wary , and know that me and Sandra are likely not her top-top priority in the game, i think Ember sees that we are good voting numbers to bring along with her

and also, Ember proposing a group with Max to me and Sandra indirectly ties us in with her core of presumably Dorothy, Jennifer, maybe Steve and Max deeper. so if they are ever in power they would know we are voting numbers for them

and me and Sandra kind of bonded over Ember being shady but are now giving her some trust. i say some. i'm still watching out.

my favorite group rn though is Switzerland. because I've always taken a liking to Jerry and am genuinely looking out for him.

Negasonic is arguably my number 1 and also in that group. i think it helps us a lot going forward. likewise with Sandra. i feel like we get along well, and if we play our cards right, we can really get far in this game together

7th heaven. a hot mess. i'm glad we're still looking out for each other but the connection is not there. it's backup safety, but falling apart. i'm glad that i have found more solid alliances before having to jump ship from there.

i did not expect the game to change so much over the past couple of rounds. the last time i did an in depth diary entry was a while back, and i feel like my thoughts on the game now have changed dramatically since then

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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 2:42 am

Jennifer Check wrote:
No i'm so torn meand really fdrhnk. i love them so both so mucb

Jennifer Check wrote:
I am! I want the best for them both! I evicted Matt. I feel absolutely horrible but I had to do one of them. This is probably the worst vote there's been.

she sobered up quick LMFAOO
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2021 4:08 pm

Day 21 - August 19

i made jury!!!!! my one goal this season. if i could put in the time and energy to fully invest myself i would definitely work hard to make it far. but i'm honestly losing energy. i'm going to be a lot busier and won't be able to give it my all going forward.

Kathy if there's some kind of twist where i lose my jury spot i will cry LMFAO

but yeah, this was my goal and i'm glad i achieved it. whatever happens next i won't be upset. because i still have allies i appreciate and would give all my money to Negasonic if i leave soon <3

i'm just hoping my allies can keep me safe. i've made myself into a big target now. and probably severed or made some relationships more questionable. but idc. i didn't come here to play nice. if i go down as a cold hearted bitch then so be it <3

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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyFri Aug 20, 2021 11:30 pm

]Day 22 - August 20

hello i am honestly kind of tired. i feel bad but life is a lot of responsibilities and i feel like i'm neglecting things. i'll still try, but i know i'm not giving it my all. i'm just gonna ride out the wave and however far i get is however far i get.

i honestly have only seen one full season of big brother LOL so i'm honestly still new to all of this. i'm not even caught up on the current season lmao

but i'm proud to say i've made jury in every game i have played. idk if i will retire after this season. or take a long break. i'd love to be a prod. saboteur that infiltrates the cast but that's about it. sometimes the game starts to get stressful like a class even though the content is fun and i hate school LOL. i've put more effort into this than game than some classes i've taken tbh

but yeah. i don't want to stress. i'm just going to go with the flow and be active when i can. and support my allies as much as i can. and have funnnnnnnn ok i'm going to watch shows byeeeee
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyFri Aug 20, 2021 11:30 pm

not the date being fucked up damn it
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 21, 2021 6:02 pm

Day 23 - August 21

so hopefully this trio with Debbie and NTW will be our saving grace. Tony has been a rat the whole season. idk why i didn't push for the trio of us girls sooner. but i think me removing Cruella from the equation was the best way to make that happen. Tony is exposing himself more and more and i'm glad people are catching on

idk what Jenn thinks of him. he's always in her ear but does she really believe everything he says? if he has talked shit on her to me, who knows what else he has told others about her. a part of me wants to be candid and lay it out for her that he's planting seeds about everyone but idk if i'm close enough with her to do that tbh

i'd be caught by surprise if i am the renom, but with Sam.... Steve..... and Tony around..... i fear the worst is yet to come for me lol. in which case i would give NTW all my money and my double vote.

i'm aligned with Dorothy, Sandra, Ember, Max, Jerry, NTW, Debbie. but is it enough to keep me safe? i feel like i started lacking on building relationships with the other "side" and now i'm kind of depending on my ties with Max and Ember to keep me safe when it comes to the others. and NTW too, my fave <3

i'm gonna keep saying it and be annoying, but i made jury on an all stars season. i'm proud. anything else is a plus. i will never be a pre-jury flop. no way. if i didn't have to work and take care of other shit in life i'd put more time into this game. but i'm here for a good time, and i can say that i've made some good friends in my time playing these games. that's all i could really ask for
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 4:11 pm

Day 25 - August 23

lmaoo honestly the game is getting fun and juicy. the game conversations are picking up more and more

right now, i would only be worried if Steve or Same came into power. Steve is a beast and will definitely put me up. at this point i just have to accept it. i think it’s too late to cut any deals with him, especially since i tried making a deal and ended up putting him up cause i won HOH unexpectedly LMAO

Sandra is getting paranoid about Dorothy. i’ll let her take the lead in that bc i’m not trying to have this blow up in my face in case Sandra happens to actually be close with Dorothy and is playing us lmaoooooo. but i do agree that Dorothy needs to be examined

at this point, i only really trust NTW wholeheartedly, to a fault. i trust Debbie and Jerry a lot too. helping Debbie almost get POV might have mended things. Jerry needs to stop giving do much information to Tony too. bros always protect bros smh lmaoooo

some ideal picks for who i think needs to leave next: Steve, Sam, Dorothy, Jennifer, Tony

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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyTue Aug 24, 2021 4:17 pm

Day 26 - August 24

lmaoooo i should not have wasted $100 for that tequila sunrise. cause i want to buy immunity

but honestly. i'd rather take my chances and use that money on double votes and vote steals. i'd have to use bahama mama or cosmopolitan one hour before the HOH challenge is even announced. and what if an ally wins HOH, then i would have wasted it

so yeah. that should be fine. i just need to hope i can win this HOH and put Steve up. and i'd put Tony up too tbh LOL

i'm getting nervous. if worst comes to worst i'll give NTW my money to buy 2 double votes? give NTW / Debbie my other double vote from Te (LMAO) then hope for the fucking best

i hope NTW, Sandra, or me win this next HOH. top 11 is nice, but my next goal is to make it to the top 5 now that the momentum is going
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyWed Aug 25, 2021 9:30 pm

Day 27 - August 25

Sandra Bullock wrote:
No, but he told me that someone suggested that I go up

LMFAOOOO i bet this was Dorothy's doing. i could imagine her planting the seed to Steve saying she has been spying on NTW, Jerry, Sandra, Kim and thinks that we need to be dismantled.

she was already suspicious of me working with Jerry too... when she asked if it was planned for Jerry to use POV on my hoh lmfao. she's very observant

honestly.... I'd wanna save Jerry over Sandra. cause Debbie going up would be a predicament for me and NTW

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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

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PostSubject: Re: ki-jung thoughts   ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 EmptyWed Aug 25, 2021 10:12 pm

i hope this is goodbye to Tony, my obsessive lover ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 1f618 ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 1f618 ki-jung thoughts - Page 4 1f618

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