Well first off I want to thank Kathy for asking me to be a part of this season! I was excited to be asked to play because I do love this game and I love playing it!
No kidding about a bunch of liars in this game, when only 1 person told me they are actually evicting and everyone else is to scared to say what they actually want! To that one person I respect you more than most people left in this game! Good luck to you!
To everyone else all I would like to say is you really need to start playing this game for yourself and not for certain “sides” of the house. There can only be one winner and you need to make the best move for yourself, not for someone else. I really don’t think getting me out benefited many of you. Obviously it benefited Webkinz because he is still here but beyond that this move was for Debbie and really no one else. PLAY YOUR OWN GAME!!!!
I hope to see you “All Stars” start playing your own game and fight for this win!
With that being said I have had a blast playing this game with you all and I wish the best of luck to my close allies, good luck