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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 13, 2021 3:57 am

Ally Ranking #13 - 8/13/21 3:40 AM

1.  Debbie Jellinsky- Jennifer thinks we’re a duo? Fine. Let’s show her a fucking duo and what we can do.

2. Ted Lasso - Ted, you gave me $400 BBQ $ so I could guarantee my safety. Thank you. Genuinely never has anyone done anything more grand than that for my allyship. God, you moved me to happy tears.


4.  Negasonic Teenage Warhead - I still trust her even after all the... Emotional shit she’s putting me through... I should be more angry, but I understand where she’s coming from. I don’t think she wants to get rid of me, even. So. She can stay high up for me. I’m not petty, I just feel hurt by her. I usually don’t feel hurt in these games.

5. Dorothy Gale - I think I built enough trust with her once I proved that I want the best with her with my DPOV. At least, that’s my read on it.

6. Jerry the Mouse -  The ONLY person to tell me that I had his vote in the event noms stayed the same. I love you, Jerry, for that.

7.  Kim Ki-Jung - Hun you were gone, like, all of today... Are you OK? Anyway, Kim is great. I love Kim.

8. Steve Harrington - Our relationship is strictly game, no personal. Which is fine. We have deals not to put each orher up since we’re both house targets.

9. Ember McLain-   On an ally trust list that has 15 people not including myself... How weird is it that Ember ranks #9 when I nominated her with a DPOV just HOURS ago? We have a deal, I don’t think she’ll stick to it, but she might. I will stick to my end. It’s not like I’m losing that endurance, anyway.

10. Matt Bomer - Still not sure how to feel about Matt, though, I guarantee I’m not after him so I hope he isn’t after me.

11. Tony Stark - He’s sketchy, but he’s dedicated to our side until he flips. He was the rat to Jennifer about my DPOV existing no doubt, but it’s clear he didn’t say much to her so I won’t dog him on that. He’s a smart player. Really smart. Extremely smart. I fear his intellect more than I fear Jennifer’s comp ability and boldness

12. Sandra Bullock -  Sis bought herself some time by having the right conversation with me at the right moment. She’s smart, calculated. Once Jennifer goes, she absolutely needs to be next. I want to win 2 HoH’s, first to take out Jennifer, second to backdoor Sandra both prejury in case it fails.

13. Squirt -  Renom option when I win.

14. Max Gentile - One of my nominations when I win.

15.Jennifer Fucking Check - Yeah she’s dead meat LOL. Love you, though. This is a game and I’m not bitter, we’re here to play and I think the fun you and I are having is in the spirit of how crazy this game can be.

Rip Jaida Essence Hall (not evicted yet, but she will be..)
Rip Sam Gardner
Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 15, 2021 3:52 am

8/13/21 3:40 AM - 8/15/21 3:43 AM

1. Ted Lasso - Ted gave me $400, Ted spoke with me all throughout this comp. I need Ted. Ted is good to me.

2. Debbie Jellinsky - Debbie, win veto this week. Please. You and I will both be nominated.

3. Webkinz Love Frog - Webby just talks to me regularly.

4. Kim Ki-Jung - Kim is just trustworthy, nothing else to it.

5. Jerry the Mouse - Good, Jerry winning a comp right now would be ideal.

6. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Negasonic tends to get in her own mind. She's sketching me out right now.

7. Dorothy Gale - Please? I don't know where she lays.

8. Tony Stark - He's playing the middle, but playing the middle requires you to SOMETIMES be on my side which is better than what I can say for everyone else.

9. Sandra Bullock - Sis is smart, sis probably has a DPOV, too.

10. Matt Bomer - Harmless, but still against me.

11. Ember McLain - Also inactive and also definitely someone who wants me out.

12. Squirt - Inactive

13. Max Gentile - Boring

14. Steven Harrington - I'm definitely about to be nominated.

15. Jennifer Check - She is weird, but at least she adds an interesting dynamic to the game.

Rip Jaida Essence Hall
Rip Sam Gardner
Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 16, 2021 12:22 am

8/15/21 3:43 AM - 8/16/21 12:05 AM

1. Debbie Jellinsky - Debbie is the person I need to stay most in this game. Regardless of everyone else, I need her and the comp wins she provides. Safety.

2. Webkinz Love Frog - I kept Webkinz around because I needed her to owe me. I needed her to be in debt to me. I picked up multiple allies of mine while they were at their lowest point so I could exploit that for trust and relationship later. Now, with Webby, I think it's finally coming to fruition.

3. Ted Lasso - Ted is kind of my boy? I kind of gave him commands during the endurance comp and he kind of just... Followed them? I think it would have been better for him to secure me NOT securing safety for myself. The more I take myself off the block, the more the noms change, the higher % chance he has of going up in Debbie and I's place. Not very smart of him, but a great ally nonetheless.

4. Kim Ki-Jung - Kim is ALSO my girl and I REALLY HOPE she has the DPOV. If she has the DPOV, that would be *SO* *WICKEDLY* *SEXY*

5. Jerry the Mouse - Jerry is... Ugh, why didn't he try for this last comp? That could have REALLY helped me out.

6. Ember McLain - Ember and I have been working on putting a bandaid on our relationship and I hope the new alliance I proposed with her, Webby, and Steve can take our game relationship to the next level. Covering my bases, except Jennifer, SHE can fuck off. It's weird how quick things can change in this game?

7. Steve Harrington - Copy paste what I said about Ember, but for Steve. King needs to take a fuckin knee because he's taking my Veto away from me, even though I would do the exact same. I still hope he isn't going for me following this, but it wouldn't make sense for him to considering how many enemies he's about to make.

8. Dorothy Gale - Dorothy is someone I still trust and like.

9. Tony Stark - Tony really helped himself out by picking me up (about an hour ago) telling me that I'm innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. I don't know what the fuck I did to deserve being in a cast with Jules making up bullshit about me, then Negasonic spreading rumors followed by the existence of Jennifer Fucking Check.

10. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Still spreading rumors, liking posts, and annoying me with this anti-Cruella-****** rhetoric? I love you, but can you PLEASE stop spreading these fucking allegations? It's taking SUCH A FUCKING MENTAL TOLL ON ME, I PROMISE YOU WHATEVER REASON YOU'RE DOING THIS ISN'T WORTH IT.

11. Matt Bomer - I mean he's basically an inactive

12. Squirt - Literally why is he on an allstars season

13. Max Gentile - Who

14. Sandra Bullock - Sis totally has that DPOV

15. Jennifer Check - Sis can go, I mean, nothing else to that other than she can go.

Rip Jaida Essence Hall (Gone, but not forgotten. Ily. Hope you're doing ok.)
Rip Sam Gardner
Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 17, 2021 12:28 am

8/16/21 12:05 AM - 8/17/21 12:20 AM


2. Debbie Jellinsky - Queen of winning comps and keeping me safe? Queen of being the only threat on my side bigger than me?


4. Jerry the Mouse - King? King of keeping me safe? Ily whoever Jerald the Mouse is.

5. Kim Ki-Jung - Omg we're twin queens of Secret POV's! I also appreciate her opting to stay quiet instead of tell me she has a secret POV or lie about it. Queen shit, I respect it.

6. Ember McLain - Tbh I'm eating this game up with ha. I trust her. Sis needs to keep Ted tho. She genuinely isn't anywhere near my radar for a LITTLE BIT.

7. Steve Harrington - Isn't it crazy how I have the person who nominated me at #7? AND THE PERSON I NOMINATED AT #6? LOLOLOL. I'm slowly flippinggggggggggg! STAY STEALTHY, BE FLUID! YAH!

8. Dorothy Gale - I mean she's aight. She totally has the DPOV that Jules totally gave her.

9. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - I mean, she's evicting all of my allies because they're my allies. Ted told me that him and Negasonic WERE SUPER CLOSE but then was the most eager person when he touched the block. That screams of Negasonic wanting my allies to GTFO.

10. Sandra Bullock - Queen of winning the next HoH

11. Tony Stark - King of staying this week ;/

12. Matt Bomer - Yas give me nothing you go!

13. Max Gentile - Who

14. Squirt - Is this Megan Thee Stallion without the nominations?

15. Jennifer Check - Can she and her minions go? I mean, I know I have me and my minions, but mine are cute <3

Rip Jaida Essence Hall
Rip Sam Gardner
Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 1:38 am

8/17/21 12:20 AM - 8/18/21 1:00 AM

1. Debbie Jellinsky - Debbie is a G, nothing else to it.


3. Webkinz Love Frog - Can you make yourself fucking useful? You're lucky I ate that REbus up.

4. Ember McLain - Go kween be my bestie woooooooo

5. Kim Ki-Jung - Silent, secret, cool, cute

6. Jerry the Mouse - Jerry king of being an ally yasssssss

7. Dorothy Gale - Dorothy queen on being Team Cruella yassssss

8. Sandra Bullock - Sandra queen of actually being apprehensive of me winning HoH just to find out I like and want her in the game still, mainly because she's throwing and I think she has the DPOV

9. Ummmmmmmmm - I fucked up making this list so here's a deadspace?

10. Max Gentile - I want to work with Max going forward.

11. Tony Stark - Tony is cool, shady, but cool. I don't trust him with , but I'll help him win HoH.

12. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - WHERE DOES SHE LAY? WHERE IS SHE AT?

13. Squirt - Who is this little prick? LOL, you got mad respect points today. Mad respect.

14. Jennifer Check - So I got a DPOV and transfers from people, that must mean I pregamed. You got transfers and an Amaretto Sour, which is almost as expensive. Did you pregame? Exactly, let's drop it. Anyway, I wish she wouldn't be so stubborn. I think it's VERY advantageous if we teamed up together rather than feud, but c'est la vie. She can be obsessed, I can be obsessed too.

Rip Matt Bomer (Not gone yet, but methinks he will)
Rip Jaida Essence Hall
Rip Sam Gardner
Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2021 12:48 am

Bad ranking because I need quick cash!

1. Webkinz - Please keep me and use a daiquiri
2. Steve Harrington - Please keep me and use a daiquiri
4. SANDra - OMG sandra please why omg keep me literally i’ll love you forever
5. Squirt - He’s my BEST ally and an even BETTER F2 <3 I tOTALLY trust him with my LIFE
8. TONy - AHHH?
9. i fucked up the numbers again, ignore 9
10. Jerry the Mouse - you better keep me bitch
11. Max Gentile - Please keep me
12. Negasonic - Likely evicting me
13. Jennifer Check - Bitch hoe evicting me
14. Kim Ki-Jung - Bitch whore backdooring me
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