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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptySat Jul 31, 2021 12:12 am

Ally Rankings

This is an organized list of my allies and why they're my allies, I will update it whenever I feel there is a significant enough change to warrant it being changed.
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptySat Jul 31, 2021 2:32 am

Ally Ranking #1 - 7/31/21 1:19 AM

1. Cruella de Vil - Only trust a bitch when that bitch is yo self. Except when it's me, in that case, you can't count on me.

2. Tony Stark - HE'S SO DAMN FAMILIAR. I feel like I know him. Ugh. This is gross. He tells me info, he's given me advice, and vice versa. Ugh.

3. Keanu Reeves - Keanu is just genuine at the moment. I feel him. I don't think he'll be good at comps, though. Prove me wrong king. He keeps talking about us becoming a duo... I don't want to be a duo with him, but I'll take it.

4. Matt Bomer - Matt and I talked a lot about video games. Not much game. But I frequently work with people I like rather than people I think are good for my game and I intend on that with Matt as of right now.

5. Jerry the Mouse - Jerry is seeming a little sketchy, but he's seeming sketchy with ME which is a fail-safe for me. Short term safety is far more important right now for me.

6. Jaida Essence Hall - Don't know who this is, don't care. Me and her are being bitches TOGETHER.

7. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Serving Jackie Burkhart energy. Interested to see where our relationship goes, she seems like a contrarian and will always do what benefits her so I should scheme with her in the future. I gotta win the First HoH and secure a good relationship with her.

8. Jules Vaughn - Jules is just personable. Easy to talk to. She gives me paragraphs, she gives me lengthy product to talk with.

9. Peach Salinger - Not sure what her vibe is, but I like her. She doesn't talk much at the moment. Interested to see where we lead together. I gotta get in with her because I feel she'll be loosely ingratiated with the majority.

10. Sandra Bullock - Honestly she's giving me paragraphs, she's giving me conversation- I like her. We have similar opinions regarding BB22 and we know how to hold a convo.

11. Jennifer Check - I don't quite know her vibe, but we're getting a private room and we're being cordial, so

12. Ember McLain - She's genuine, kind, that's about it. I feel safe if she wins first HoH which is what matters.

13. Kim Ki-Jung - We've spoken more than anyone else below her but less than everyone above her.

14. Webkinz Love Frog - I just respect the character choice.

15. Squirt - Nice, chill, wholesome... Something is up with him.

16. Nagisa Shiota - Also someone with a weird as fuck vibe. Don't know what's going on in his mind. He's pretending he has a boyfriend, which I feel is suuuch a lie.

17. Sailor Moon - She has the weirdest fucking vibe I've ever seen. Why is she so happy. What? I don't understand her at ALL.

18. Sam Gardner -Who? Idk her

19. Dorothy Gale - Sis and I are JUST NOW speaking, but at least she's personable and nice.

20. Manu Rios - Who? Idk her

21. Steve Harrington - Who? Idk her

22. Max Gentile - Who? Idk her

23. Ted Lasso - Who? Idk her

24. Rebecca Bunch - Who? Idk her
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptySun Aug 01, 2021 5:46 am

Ally Ranking #2 - 8/1/21 5:00 AM

1. Cruella de Vil - This season is ALL ABOUT ME BABY!! Those other fuckers (my best friends whom I love dearly) CAN ALL EAT IT CUZ I’MMMMM TAKING HOME THE GRAND YA LOSERS! MWAHAHAH!

2. Tony Stark - Yes, I think he’s weak and won’t be that helpful in competitions, but I think he’s into me as an ally, so... Good on us? I think we’ll be working close until he runs out of use for me.

3. Matt Bomer - I think we get along spectacularly. I like that he’s decent in the challenges so far as well. I can see him becoming useful for reliable information as well as safety.

4. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - What can I say, I love an articulate intellectual who isn’t afraid to speak their mind and gossip? Plus, she wants to win an early HoH just like I do... Score! My issue with her is that from the crew that I talk to, she seems liked. She seems to get around but only with the people who seem... Competent.

5. Nagisa Shiota - Great at the Purge challenge, but I think they’re very well set up and very low-key about how they’re playing. Sneaky but with the cutest façade. I tried that, didn’t work well. Let’s see where Nagisa takes me.

6. Sandra Bullock - Here’s my first REAL connection. I don’t mean real as in, personal... I mean it as in GAME. Sandra busted her ass talking with me during the Purge. Same with Negasonic and Sam, but Sandra is the one who came across as most genuine. She’s a real threat if she makes singular digits, I see calculation behind her. No way is her statement “I hope people don’t think I’m a comp beast and target me because Idk if I can back myself up in other comps” true. (Not Verbatim.)

7. Sam Gardner - He’s the real hero for today. Y’all thought Negasonic and Sandra talked to me? Boy did Sam work his ass off to me. We both kicked ass and had a blast during the Purge, but he seems messy. He’s very... Trustworthy. But very messy. Interesting to note for the Mid-Game.

8. Jerry the Mouse - Getting risky here. I feel great with him. He’s integral to my early game strategy.  He’s also the pin I still have with Tony in case our talking diminishes.

9. Peach Salinger - I wish we talked more, but I think that’s just ... How she is lol.

10. Jules Vaughn - TBH If you asked me to tell you the difference between her and Debbie, I could not do it.

11. Debbie ___? - TBH I forgot who she was but I like her and yeah.

12. Jennifer Check - Sis is allergic to gametalk rn. Hello! Just tryna align with you!

13. Webkinz Love Frog - I’ll give her a pass because she has some personal issues going on right now. Get through it, come back to me in a bit babe: I like and want to work with you.

14. Jaida Essence Hall - We can both be bitches openly with each other, I’m cool with that being our dynamic.

15. Kim Ki-Jung - She’s just kinda here tbh.

16. Rebecca Bunch- She’s been talking to me a whole lot more, so she can rise a few spaces.

17. Cosmo - Who? I mean. He was late I guess. Not much else to him?

18. Squirt - Nice of him to pre-campaign to me. Very cute, easy first boot though. I might not because he may actually like me more than I like him so we’ll have to feel the water as we go.

19. Dorothy Gale - Serious Mari vibes goin on. Thought my main thing with her is how... Awkward she is. She talks like she just learned the entirety of English all at once after being mute for decades.

20. Ember McLain - Dropping spots there chief! Don’t drop too many.

21. Sailor Moon - I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around what she is. She’s a complete enigma, I cannot gather a SINGLE read on her. Awkward.

22. Manu Rios - Still haven’t spoken in 24 hours, though we did both of the comps at opposite times.

23. Max Gentile - Hello? Who is this? A nobody? CLAK.

24. Steve Harrington - Hmmm. I don’t like not talking much with him at all. Maybe it’s just the character, but I feel threatened by his presence:

25. Ted Lasso - Who ? Idk her. I guess she can stay though because she stated she had a reason.

- RIP Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyMon Aug 02, 2021 8:08 am

Ally Ranking #3 - 8/2/21 7:27 AM

1. Jaida Essence Hall - Sis put in a lot of work and knew the exact right things to say to me. She really out here proposing to combine forces when it comes to the BBQ $ Shop. Legendary. Those were the RIGHT buttons to push with me. Nobody else has even come close to disclosing that much trust in me- even to SUGGEST it.

2. Tony Stark - Still think he's not all that, but we talk the most. I think he truly has my back.

3. Matt Bomer - Matt is still trustworthy to me. He's still giving me info, still giving me everything. Very strong level of bonding done with him.

4. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - I think that she's very un-connected to people in reference to people like myself, Tony, Sandra, and Sam. I think she's doing a great job at being under-the-radar. That means she, as an ally, means more to me than someone like Tony does even though he's higher than she is. She gives me intellectual stability, she's smart, cunning... A great player. I really trust her.

5. Nagisa Shiota - Someone who is similar to NTW, but I trust them slightly less. Though, he is going good at comps and not overaligning. I'm a tad jealous.

6. Jerry The Mouse - He's up here because I think I'm up there for him.

7. Sam Gardner - Again, a smart player... Playing a little too hard. Playing a lot like I am. I see that being an issue but I also see us aligning for the same reason.

8. Peach Salinger - Again, not someone super connected. Not someone super active. Not someone who did so hot in the comp. Though, sis is eating it in the talking to me department. I feel like me and her talk a lot in reference to her talking to other people, so I like that aspect.

9. Jules Vaughn - Tbh forgot who she was but I like her so she's here

10. Debbie Jelinsky - I wish I could put Debbie higher because she's destroying it in the talking and making me feel secure aspect too. I think there's even an alliance with myself in it that is being requested. I forgot though. That alliance was mainly to cover my bases, even though I didn't make it.

11. Webkinz Love Frog - Webkinz is slowly becoming more and more active and I'm slowly liking them more and more. Still not sure where her head is at but I think she's trying to find her allies at the moment. I want to be one of them really badly.

12. Sandra Bullock - She's been in the same boat as Sam but I don't talk as much with her. She's mainly so low because I forgot about her when writing these out. She should be around #8. Maybe swap her with Jules Vaughn tbh.

13. Ember McLain - She got Max to reach out to me because she likes us both the most. Respectable. That shows she really likes and trusts me.

14. Jennifer Check - She's horrid to talk to. What a fucking weirdo. She got a LOT better today, but she's still allergic to game chat. Just... Give me something? I'm miserable speaking to her lol. Please don't hate me post season <3 you're the weird one <3 (I'm saying this all as a joke. Pls.)

15. Cruella de Vil - Such a shady asshole. I hate her bitch ass.

16. Rebecca Bunch - Still someone I like talking to and actually feel safe with. I enjoy her presence a lot.

17. Dorothy Gale - Dorothy has... A weird vibe. I don't like talking to her. At all. But I fear she's secret comp beast? We'll see, but she's mega confusing me right now.

18. Sailor Moon - I still cant place my finger on what the fuck her vibe is. It's weird, but I'm kinda into it.

19. Squirt - Idk he just sketches me out.

20. Kim Ki-Jung - We don't talk much, it seems we aren't that... Connected alliance wise. Interesting.

21. Manu Rios - I don't wish he was going. I quite like him. Rest in piece. I wish this was Steve going.

22. Max Gentile - Another person that reached out to me, likely due to Ember. I actually really trust Ember

23. Steve Harrington - Hey someone that reached out to me! Glad to see you joined the light.

24. Cosmo - We spoke once.

25. Ted Lasso - Who? Next. We don't speak.

- RIP Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 5:13 am

All Ranking #4 - 8/3/21 4:49 AM

1. Tony Stark - Tony back to being in the #1 spot again! You can thank your clutch HoH win for that. I would have preferred it be Negasonic and Tony rather than Debbie and Tony, which is why I voted for Negasonic, but I'm JUUUUUST fine with Tony winning this. Especially because he trusts and likes me. I don't know what crack cocaine he was smoking to pick the people for the team that he did, but I feel... Uncomfortable at it. He picked the worst possible group for me. None of the members of my main alliance "The Group" (Sandra, me, Sam, Nagisa, Negasonic) are in it. Literally just me on an island.

2. Jerry the Mouse - I truly think I am at the top of Jerry's list which is why he's at the top of mine.

3. Jaida Essence Hall - I still think I'm high up with her, and I'd like to keep us close. I still think she's beneficial for my long term strategy in this house.

4. Cruella de Vil - What a fucking whore.  

5. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Ugh. Ninjasonic Teenage Warhead Turtle appreciation post. I love her. She gives me so much stability in this game. Talking with her is such a breath of fresh air.

6. Peach Salinger - Idk I just like her. She doesn't seem well connected and it looks like she won't make jury either by the way things are looking.

7. Dorothy Gale - Crazy how the team twist made this hoe rise! Love you Dororthy! Mwah!

8. Jennifer Check - Being on the same team got me here

9. Nagisa Shiota - Talking with him less plus being on different teams made other people rise, rather than Nagisa falling.

10. Sam Gardner - I should talk to him more. We fell off a tad bit today. I wish today wasn't so busy.

11. Sandra Bullock - She scares the fuck out of me. She has to go sometime soon. I need someone to take a shot against her.

12. Webkinz Love Frog - Come on baby, you need to give me more. If you keep giving me nothing, I won't need you. I practically saved you from being nominated this week, so give me something.

13. Matt Bomer - O.M.G. I DID NOT MEAN TO PUT MATT THIS LOW I LITERALLY JUST FORGOT... Um, sorry Matt! Matt is supposed to be in my Top 5.

14. Jules Vaughn - Same team, same energy. I like her a lot.

15. Debbie Jelinsky - I feel... Weird about her. I feel like she's playing an amazing game and none of us know it.

16. Ember McLain - Ember is bouncing everywhere in my mind. I don't know if she's good at comps or not. I wish this wasn't a social HoH so I could gauge who is and isn't an asset.

17. Kim Ki-Jung - We're talking more. That's about it.

18. Ted Lasso - We got to talking and hey, I don't mind Ted. I still think he'd nominate me. I don't feel safe with him. I, ironically, feel more safe with people lower on the list. But I guess that's BB- Contradictions.

19. Rebecca Bunch - Most likely the person that will be evicted as long as the Veto stays unused when won tomorrow.

20. Steve Harrington - The person on my team that I wish was leaving this week. Sad.

21. Sailor Moon - She's nice, but is she necessary for my game to advance? Not really.

22. Squirt - Man he sketches me out. He'd be an immediate nominee if I had won.

23. Max Gentile - I cant trust him as far as I can throw him, and man, am I weak.

24. Cosmo - WE LITERALLY DON'T TALK. Anyway I'm confident he's going home even post Veto unless it's used on him.

- RIP Manu Rios
- RIP Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyWed Aug 04, 2021 4:36 am

Ally Ranking #5 - 8/4/21 4:00 AM

1. Tony Stark - Idk. I just trust him. I like him. I work with people I like. I think he'll always pull hard for me and he's shown himself to have strong social pull with winning Social HoH + Getting people to evict his target Rebecca.

2. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Negasonic is someone I can bounce off large amounts of trust and sketchy information without worrying that it gets around.

3. Dorothy Gale - Dorothy keeps me grounded. Dorothy really turned herself around for me. Our chit-chat today was great, I feel very comfortable with her. I want her and I to win the next HoH's. Maybe me and Negasonic.

4. Peach Salinger - I trust her, I know what decisions she'll make. She's not HORRIBLE in comps from what I've seen.

5. Cruella de Vil - What a lying scumbag bitch. I hate her fake ass so much.

6. Jerry the Mouse - Jerry trusts me enough to name drop full ass alliances with people's names in it.

7. Jaida Essence Hall - Jaida and I can show our true selves to each other without worry of scrutinization. We also want to pool our money together in the future. I love her.

8. Peach Salinger - I feel like Peach really values me, so I really value her.

9. Jennifer Check  - Jennifer helped herself out a lot in our conversation earlier today. I see a person behind her, not just some stone cold killer. I see some form of trust building.

10. Webkinz Love Frog - Not really... Active? Do you wanna.... Like... Be active?

11. Sam Gardner - Sam is PLAYING. THE. DAMN. GAME. Cool kid!


13. Jules Vaughn - Jules is cool. Not much else to say.

14. Ember McLain - Ember is genuine with me.

15. Sandra Bullock - I'm not going to pretend. Sandra is playing a great game and she is a huge threat. She's right there with Debbie as someone that needs to be eliminated.

16. Rebecca Bunch - I'm evicting her, sorry boo Sad


18. Ted Lasso - Ted and I are talking a lot, building a lot of trust late with each other.

19. Steve Harrington - I don't like Steve. He's good at comps so I don't know when to strike at him.

20. Nagisa Shiota - Gotta talk to me babe. You gotta talk to me. Though Nagisa wasn't very active in ANY chats today, so...

21. Kim Ki-Jung - Kim is sketchy and we don't talk game.

22. Squirt - Definitely a renom option when I win HoH.

23. Max Gentile - Definitely touching the block when I win HoH.

24. Cosmo - Definitely touching the block when I win HoH.

- Rip Manu
- Rip Keanu
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyThu Aug 05, 2021 7:07 am

Ally Ranking #6 - 8/5/21 6:49 AM

1. Tony Stark - Tony is great. I tell Tony everything (everything I want to tell him) and I know he has me as his #1 or #2. I think me and him make a great team. Poor thing, I feel bad for him because I stay throwing these competitions.

2. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - I trust her. Too much. I'm far too open with her. She cannot get far into the game if I want a chance at winning. But man, is she a great ally to have right now. I also can count on her for a Veto.

3. Dorothy Gale - Dorothy keeps me grounded. Sis wanted to keep Peach but also knew the repercussions of keeping Peach. It's truly sad. I hope Peach gets one vote to stay and thinks it's me.

4. Cruella de Vil - What a doll! I love her <3

5. Matt Bomer - The only person I've connected with on a PERSONAL level (about video games) and I really enjoy him. I want to play video games with him once the season is over.

6. Jaida Essence Hall - I naturally gravitate towards Jaida. We just have this... Magnetism that pulls me towards her.

7. Jerry the Mouse - King of winning a Veto? Omg? A hit tweet? I know he has me HIGH on his trust rankings and I have him high on mine for that very reason.

8. Peach Salinger - If Peach stays, I get plausible deniability. If Peach leaves, I *might* get her money.

9. Jennifer Check - Queen Jennifer also wanted to keep Peach, what a doll.

10. Sandra Bullock - Sandra and I talk regularly and I'm open with her. I like her.

11. Webkinz Love Frog - I love Webkinz. Just win an HoH, boo.

12. Jules Vaughn - Once the Veto was used, Jules had the EXACT SAME NOMINATIONS that I would have made. What a fucking G, eh? I don't know what's going through her mind, but I love it.

13. Ember McLain - I actually don't trust this ho at all. Idk how she's so high. She's good at comps so she needs to go.

14. Debbie Jellinsky - I really bonded with her, but I still think she's playing a phenomenal game, even right now. Sis gots to go sometime soon.  

15. Ted Lasso - Starting to really, actually, genuinely trust him!

16. Squirt - If he stays, he wont target me. That's all I need.

17. Nagisa Shiota - You have to talk to me, buddy boy.

18. Kim Ki-Jung - You have to talk to me, buddy girl.

19. Sam Gardner - TALK! TO! ME! MORE! YOU! SLUT! (Ily tho)

20. Steve Harrington - Talk to me, loser! He's also competent at comps. Something to watch out for.

21. Max Gentile - Yeah no we never speak. I don't like him. He's my instant nomination if I ever were to win.

22. Cosmo - I evicted him and I want him gone. I wanted him gone last week, too.

- Rip Sailor Moon
- Rip Rebecca Bunch
- Rip Manu Rios
- Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyFri Aug 06, 2021 5:13 am

Ally Ranking #7 - 8/6/21 4:00 AM

1. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Even after she knows I intentionally wanted neither of her nominees to leave. She and I understand we have an individual game that we can both play together.

2. Tony Stark - Again, I tell him a lot of different things. I hope he can pull out comp wins in the future. I trust him with my life.

3. Jaida Essence Hall - Another person I trust with my life, Jaida. I love Jaida. Jaida and I have the same sleeping schedule, so the both of us stayed up all last night talking. Love her. She is also giving me tips on minimizing my threat level, even though she says I'm playing the best Social Game right now. Interesting.

4. Jerry the Mouse - I hope he wins HoH. A Jerry HoH going after Jules would not be IDEAL for me... But it would be great for me.

5. Dorothy Gale - The final person in my Top 5, Dororthy. I trust this chick with everything I am. She and I get along great and I want to take her directly to Jury.

6. Webkinz Love Frog - I busted my ass off working for her to stay. Now, she owes me and she knows she does. Pull out a comp, keep me and Negasonic safe! Cmon Webby, I did all of this so I can have you as my pet. As my Webkinz. Please don't be useless to me.

7. Matt Bomer - Matt and I get along great. I really like him. I don't necessarily trust him with info, but I trust him to not put me up for a while.

8. Kim Ki-Jung - Sis is actually supposed to be REALLY low on my list. Like, in the bottom 4. So. I fucked up the numbers on this one.

9. Ted Lasso - Ted and I have been talking an increasing amount. I like Ted.

10. Sam Gardner - Bitch put me at #10 on his so bitch you get what you deserve !!!!

11. Sandra Bullock - Sandra has MAJOR Theodora Crain vibes. Do NOT trust.

12. Jennifer Check - Can sis talk more? I like her and trust her, we both bonded over not wanting Peach to leave... But can she talk more?

13. Nagisa Shiota - I've been talking with him more, I think I'll be fine for right now.

14. Debbie Jellinsky - I need to talk to her more tomorrow.

15. Jules Vaughn - I need to talk to her more tomorrow.

16. Ember McLain - Sis is good at comps, RUN!

17. Squirt - Ah yes, my ideal nominee, Squirt.

18. Steve Harrington - Steve can stay but only if he wins HoH and keeps me safe and secure.

19. Max Gentile - Max can GO.

- Rip Cosmo
- Rip Peach Salinger
- Rip Sailor Moon
- Rip Rebecca Bunch
- Rip Manu Rios
- Rip Keanu Reeves

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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptySat Aug 07, 2021 5:52 am

Cruella de Vil wrote:
Ally Ranking #7 - 8/7/21 5:40 AM

1. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Still the person I communicate the most and deepest with. We share similar minds because we both tried scamming Peach AND Sailor for their money. Nice.

2. Tony Stark - He's smart, but I want him to be dumb so he can unnecessarily win a comp and keep me safe.

3. Jaida Essence Hall - Someone I strategize the most with and openly lay out my game plan with.


5. Dorothy Gale - What a fucking legend, sis is everything,

6. Webkinz Love Frog - I busted my ass off so he can stay, he better fucking win HoH and keep my ass safe.

7. Matt Bomer - Matt legend, the one person I'm going to post-season deep dive into video games with. I really like him.

8. Kim Ki-Jung - Sis is actually supposed to be REALLY low on my list. Like, in the bottom 4. So. I fucked up the numbers on this one. Again.

9. Ted Lasso - Ted and I have been talking an increasing amount. I like Ted. Ted is smart, he tells his honest truth, and he isn't half bad in competitions.

10. Sam Gardner - We spoke after he put me as his #10 and honestly, idc. #10 is a great spot to be on someone's trust rankings. Better than being #3, though I am suuuuper sketch about his closeness with Sandra. And Nagisa, too. He played the game really, really hard when the Purge happened.

11. Sandra Bullock - Sandra has MAJOR Theodora Crain vibes. Do NOT trust. She is LITERALLY a dark horse.


13. Nagisa Shiota - I'm giving him my vote to stay, so he better repay me.

14. Debbie Jellinsky - I'm starting a group with her and Jerry, so we better be good or else.

15. Jules Vaughn - You know, I may have predicted this week, but I still don't want to see her gone even WITH immunity.

16. Ember McLain - Sis is good at comps and we don't speak much... RUN!

17. Squirt - Ah yes, my ideal nominee, Squirt.

18. Steve Harrington - Steve has TO GO. SO FUCKING SOON. HE'S GOT TO GO.

19. Max Gentile - Max can GO.

- Rip Cosmo
- Rip Peach Salinger
- Rip Sailor Moon
- Rip Rebecca Bunch
- Rip Manu Rios
- Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptySat Aug 07, 2021 5:53 am

That's in a quote, Arisa or Batgirl, can you please edit it out of the quote & delete the post I'm writing in right now for me? I like keeping things clean. That IS my official trust rankings.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead likes this post

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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptySun Aug 08, 2021 4:46 am

Ally Ranking #8 - 8/8/21 4:45 AM

1. Negasonic Teenage Warhead -   Ugh I love this bitch so much. I know I can trust her since she likes accumulating all the information and keeping it to herself so SHE can utilize it. Say what you will, but she isn’t a snake. She’s such a queen, ugh.

2. Jaida Essence Hall - Jaida is playing the best game in the house by FAR. If I don’t win this season, Jaida better.

3. Jerry the Mouse - Comp beast it, little mousey!! But I do not want Jerry going anywhere.

4. Tony Stark - Apparently he’s in with everyone as per Jules, so he dropped ranks.

5. Dorothy Gale - I trust this bitch with my LIFE.

6. Sam Gardner - Sam and I have talked more, so he deserves to be higher up. Our communication highway is back on track.

7. Jennifer Check - Honestly Jennifer needs to be at the bottom in the “People I Would Nominate” tab. Idk why she’s so high up. Fucked up my numbers again, eh?

8. Webkinz Love Frog - I don’t like the fact that he could be leaving this week. 

9. Matt Bomer - I hate the fact that he could be leaving this week.

10. Ted Lasso -   I made a blunder by asking him if I was safe. It showed him I didn’t feel comfortable with him as HoH. I hope he plays it like “I shouldn’t nominate Cruella so she wont nominate me and we gain trust” instead of “She has to go because she doesn’t trust me.”

11. Nagisa Shiota - I kept him safe, so he better fucken keep me safe.

12. Kim Ki-Jung - Kim is cool.

13. Debbie Jellinsky - Debbie should be higher, but we all know she’s capable of a higher caliber of gameplay. She’s down here because she came to game. She’s here to win. I want to be the Missy Pantone to her Moolissa.

14. Ember McLain -   Is it weird that Ember wants to be in a showmance with me? Be on the watchout for Cruella x Ember! That’s how I know I can trust her LOL.

15. Sandra Bullock - This bitch knows the game, sis has gotta fuckin go.

The 3 People I would nominate if I won:

16. Squirt -   Pawn.

17. Max Gentile - A-Hole doesn’t speak to me, but, Kim told me that he’s loyal to the 7 and wouldn’t nominate me. So I feel good with him, he’d be my renom if someone came down.

18. Steve Harrington - Dude has got to GO. He’s good in comps, maybe better than me, he’s seemingly in with everyone since he hasn’t touched the block. I need to win HoH and send his ass out of here.

- Rip Jules Vaughn
- Rip Cosmo
- Rip Peach Salinger
- Rip Sailor Moon
- Rip Rebecca Bunch
- Rip Manu Rios
- Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyMon Aug 09, 2021 5:48 am

Ally Ranking #9 - 8/9/21 5:32 AM

1. Jaida Essence Hall - Jaida puts in the WORKS with me and I have to appreciate that by putting her as #1. Jaida is my second Negasonic.

2. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Again, NTW is my top ally if I could take a bitch to the end. I love her. She gives me so much to talk about, strategize with, etcetera.

3. Dorothy Gale - Me and Dorothy are always on separate pages, but on the same chapter of the same book. Our interests aren't really lining up, but I still trust her with my life. We both danced together, making us look like such huge targets. We may end up needing each other.

4. Jerry the Mouse -   King of comps, win me some more!

5. Ted Lasso - Ted is a fucking G.  He stuck his arm out for me and I am willing to take that arm all the way to the end for what he did. What an absolute legend for not listening to Steve bitchass.

6. Webkinz Love Frog - Webkinz owes me. Webkinz trusts me. I love Webkinz, he just needs to win an HoH and prove himself worthy to me.

7. Tony Stark  - Yadda yadda, we don't speak, yadda yadda, he avoids the question.

8. Debbie Jellinsky - We can all see what kind of game she's playing; and it's a good one. But she's making herself verrrry useful to me.

9. Sandra Bullock - Sandra has this winners edit, I'm telling you!

10. Kim Ki-Jung - Kim is someone I trust more and more every single day, a lot like how my relationship with Ted started.

11. Nagisa Shiota - Nagisa has a whole LIST of people to be after before he's after me.

12. Ember McLain -   My showmance

13. Sam Gardner - Sam is a snake ass HOE tryna get Ted to backdoor me. Nuh-uh! But he's high up because I know he would never do it himself.

14. Jennifer Check - Jenny and I haven't spoken at awl.

15. Matt Bomer - I'm voting him out, but I quite like him and wouldn't nominate him if he stayed.

16. Squirt - Squirt and I don't talk.

17. Max Gentile - Max? Whatever. Backup target.

18. Steve Harrington - Dude has to fucking GO. I need him out of this fucking game, so badly.

Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 2:01 am

Ally Ranking #10 - 8/10/21 2:00AM

1. Negasonic Teenage Warhead -   Negasonic is my #1, I want her to survive until late Jury. She should NOT make finals, but she also shouldn't go until around 8 people remain. Sis keeps me grounded, we speak so, so, so much. She lets me eat. I know she hides information from me, which is why I actually trust Jaida MORE, but Negasonic is out here fighting for her life for my #1 Position.

2. Jaida Essence Hall - Jaida is ALSO my girl. Jaida and Negasonic are the 2 I want to dominate this game with. Jaida is Jackie, I'm still Hange, and Negasonic is Beast Boy. That's how I view us. Jaida trusts me with more information, she's being messy WITH me.

3. Dorothy Gale - Another queen I trust my life with, she's also bringing me closer to Kim which is VERY important for my relationships developing.

4. Debbie Jellinsky - Ugh, what a fucking allstar. She is the main character right now. It's going to bite her in the ass, but she'll shine bright while doing it.

5. Webkinz Love Frog - I trust this man with my life. Though, not really. I know he has ulterior people working with him, but I will be using the veto on him if I play in it.

6. Ted Lasso - Ted is a G. Not too sure if what he told me is true, apparently he said the same "Steve wanted me to backdoor you" to Debbie. Not quite certain what's going on...

7. Kim Ki-Jung - Kim and I have been getting mad close as of lately. Our small trio with Dorothy is growing, and soon it might actually be a real thing. I'm definitely overaligned if that happens, but it's nice to exist in a realm of calm.

8. Jerry the Mouse - Jerry is also a G, he wants Ember out which is whatever- he can do that himself. I won't be part of that. But I do like and trust him implicitly.

9. Sandra Bullock - Sandra and I collaborated a little bit on the HoH. Not much, but enough to show that we both trust and want each other to work in the future. I might end end up needing her down the line, maybe to shoot at Debbie.

10. Ember McLain -   My showmance <3

11. Matt Bomer - I trust Matt to not put me up, he has clear targets (being Ted) which is a good thing, since nobody else is going for Ted.

12. Tony Stark - Tony is... Sketchy. I trust him, but he's sketchy.

13. Jennifer Check - Jennifer and I have been speaking more. That's about it. Just been speaking more.

14. Sam Gardner - Sam is MAJORLY sketchy. He voted against Nagisa twice. He wanted a big move to be made, apparently not me, but a big one in general. Apparently that's Debbie. I don't know why Debbie didn't flat-out nominate him, because now he's playing in the Veto. Either way, Sam needs to go... But not by my hand. If it takes saving Steve for one round to make sure Sam goes, so be it. Though, none of this if Webkinz is gone. I need Webkinz around before Sam OR Steve goes. Webkinz needs to be isolated to ME only.

15. Squirt - Who?

16. Max Gentile - Max needs to go, I don't speak a WORD with him and that's dangerous as fuck this late in the game.

17. Steve Harrington - The only one to have my name in his mouth. Steve needs to go this round, if it takes me using the Veto on Webkinz to ensure Sam or Steve going, then so be it.

Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyWed Aug 11, 2021 3:57 am

Ally Ranking #11 - 8/11/21 3:40 AM

1. Jaida Essence Hall - Simply put? Queen.

2. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - I need to stop telling her so much. I'm going to dial down how much I speak with her. Ok maybe not SPEAK with her, but dial down how much information about myself that I give.

3. Webkinz Love Frog - Can she fucking win a comp? I stg. She can either win a comp or leave this damn game, I want her money or I want her to guarantee me safety. Jesus.

4. Debbie Jellinsky - Debbie! IS! A! WHOLE! UNIT! She's the most allstar of the bunch at the moment.

5. Dorothy Gale - No bc Dorothy is awesome too. I love hanging out with her, a Dorothy HoH wouldn't be too bad.

6. Kim Ki-Jung - Kim is awesome. She's so open and concise, I really like her on my side of the house.

7. Jerry the Mouse - Jerry is still a G, I want him to win an HoH again yas!

8. Ted Lasso - Ted is still a G.

9. Steve Harrington - I feel like I did a big brain play by sticking my hand out for him following his Veto win. Using my connection with Webkinz to bridge our gap so I no longer feel in danger, SEXY!

10. Ember McLain - Yas werk diva

11. Matt Bomer - Matt is... Interesting? Still not after me, so!

12. Sandra Bullock - Sis needs to lose Sam. Once she loses Sam, things will be good. She's too close with him for me to feel comfortable. I know she doesn't get around much, so I'll step slightly higher on the totem pole of her allies if Sam leaves.

13. Sam Gardner - Sam is sketchy, Sam is overaligned, Sam is a mirror image of me except the wrong person won HoH and Webkinz has stronger connections rather than more connections.

14. Tony Stark - Tony is sketchy as fuck. I still trust him, but he is one sketchy ass bitch.

15. Jennifer Check - I never know how to feel with this bitch. Anyway...

16. Squirt - Kid is never online. I'm never sure if I'm his target or a nomination option or not...

17. Max Gentile - If he wins, I'm going up. If I win, he's going up.

Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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Cruella de Vil

Cruella de Vil

Join date : 2021-07-30

Ally Rankings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ally Rankings   Ally Rankings EmptyThu Aug 12, 2021 7:33 am

Ally Ranking #12 - 8/12/21 7:20 AM

1. Jaida Essence Hall - Queen of using the Veto on me if she wins <3

2. Webkinz Love Frog -   Webby. Please. I need you. I need everyone. Ugh Webby, ily.

3. Negasonic Teenage Warhead - I need her in this game, she needs me. I'm on the block. Fuck.

4. Debbie Jellinsky - Debbie, Debbie, Debbie... WE NEED TO WIN A VETO AND WE NEED TO SURVIVE THIS WEEK.

5. Jerry the Mouse - Loyal to me icon!

6. Kim Ki-Jung - Honest queen ugh her brain, being my ally and friend, ily Kim whoever you are <3

7. Steve Harrington - He's only here because of situation. I need him. I need him so badly.

8. Ted Lasso - Ted is either my BFF if he keeps me or my mortal enemy. Jk Ted is cool.

9. Dorothy Gale -   Girl you better keep me this week no matter who I'm next to cuz I trust yo ass more than I should.

10. Tony Stark - Tony, Tony, Tony, you will be my bff if you keep me. Yes I'm saying that to everyone.

11. Matt Bomer - I wish SO MUCH that Sam could have told me he wasn't keeping Nagisa so I could have the strongest possible relationship with Matt, but Sam loved to see me fail.

12. Sandra Bullock -  Now why you out here so close to Sam?

13. Ember McLain -  It's clear she wanted me/Debbie nominated, but she couldn't do it herself, so sis can fuckin go. I'll nominate her if I win HOH.

14. Squirt - The fact that he thinks he's so good at lying sends me. Also what is an inactive doing on an All Stars season?

15. Max Gentile  - He is TOTALLY voting to evict me.

16. Jennifer Fucking Check - Yeah, no, if I stay, this bitch will feel my wrath <3 Love you though. You had insanely smart nominations. That's why you gotta feel my wrath.

Rip Nagisa Shiota
Rip Jules Vaughn
Rip Cosmo
Rip Peach Salinger
Rip Rebecca Bunch
Rip Manu Rios
Rip Keanu Reeves
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