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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2021-07-25

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PostSubject: Interview Corner   Interview Corner EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 8:36 am

Hello Kim,

As an All Star, it's important that we get a good read on your experience this season & dive deep into your mind at every turn.

Along the way, you will see different interviews pop up in this section. Batgirl or myself will conduct these interviews & we will reward you will BBQ dollars if you answer them adequately. We do expect that you answer obviously, but we will still reward it.

Always remember, HAVE FUN!!!!
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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2021-07-25

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PostSubject: Re: Interview Corner   Interview Corner EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 9:00 am

Houseguest Interview #1

$5 BBQ dollars if you answer by 8pm EST

~ Did you expect to be cast on Big Brother Quarantine All Stars & why?
~ Could you give me your thoughts on the Nightclub & all its components please?
~ Now for some gameplay, how does the house divided twist impact your game this round?

Anything else you would like to share?

Thank you for your time & have a good Tuesday.
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: Interview Corner   Interview Corner EmptyTue Aug 03, 2021 10:27 am

~ no but maybe. i figured i was still new and would fit in better on a 2nd all stars. but then i remembered i was 2 very different players between Dua Lipa and Mort. i think i grew a lot which made me a potential contender. i think Ki-jung will be a combination of my gameplays (from being Moira on BBE as well) 

~ i love the nightclub. a fun way to motivate ppl to try in comps as well. cause those powers in there…. that’s a lot of power. AND there’s steps to get into the nightclub too so this shit has layers. and i love the adjustments on selling/transferring items, i think that is a fair trade off with the nightclub being more exclusive. i get lost in keeping up with ingredients but it’s nothing too complex, just lengthy. 

post. make money. win a comp or two. buy items. get a drink/other item. cause chaos… sign me up 

now to just get the DPOV or have a hand in getting it  Interview Corner 1f60d  Interview Corner 1f618 

~ hm well the hohs could not have been better because i had a feeling i’d be safe with them. and it led to an alliance too so that’s really promising. i also don’t really care what happens to the nominees as long as i’m not on the block skksksksksk i want Peach to stay though, gonna use this as an opportunity to get even closer to her, be all like “Tony Stark you naughty boy  Interview Corner 1f621“ and get on her good side. 

i need to be careful cause i’m getting friendly and close with several different groups. ppl are giving me info about others and i plan on just keeping it to myself. i aspire to know all though. i can already see connections between people simply because of the ppl i have gotten close to and the groups i’ve been placed in. i think now i should lay a bit low and only suggest a small trio or quartet here and there. 

maybe me, Jaida, and Debbie

me, Tony, and Ted

but i don’t wanna push. i should just hint at it. like “do u think a small trio or quartet would be beneficial? just to get something more tight knit going for us?” and let it flow casually as we bounce names back and forth

i am excited to play yaaaay

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2021-07-25

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PostSubject: Re: Interview Corner   Interview Corner EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 5:09 pm

Houseguest Interview #2

$5 BBQ dollars if you answer by 8pm EST

~ How are you liking the season so far? Hosting, cast, challenges, etc?
~ Do you feel like it's living up to being an All Stars season? Explain
~ How is your personal game going so far? Explain
~ Do you have a specific target right now? If yes, who?
~ What are your thoughts on people making group chats pre game to talk about possibly being cast on this season. Do you feel like that's cheating & what would you do if you were the host?

Anything else you would like to share?

Thank you for your time & have a good Tuesday.
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: Interview Corner   Interview Corner EmptyTue Aug 10, 2021 6:44 pm

~ How are you liking the season so far? Hosting, cast, challenges, etc?

- love it queens. everything is really well set up. the challenges are well thought out. the hosts are personable and communication is great

~ Do you feel like it's living up to being an All Stars season? Explain

- yes cause this shit is hard LOL. not like crazy hard but significantly more challenging. i feel like i'm more dependent on my social game this time around. i feel like i'm not as social but i am selectively social and social enough. there's plenty of comp beasts here and i am more than fine depending on others to get HOH if i can assist in comps, and give advice

~ How is your personal game going so far? Explain

- i'd rate it an average 7/10 so far. i've avoided the block because of who i am connected too. i'm trying to maintain connections with the "other" side too cause i want to be viewed as a malleable player who will "follow the leader" and be a team player for anyone who is willing to keep me safe.

i don't exactly have allegiances. yes i love Jaida, Ted, and Negasonic but i trust no one. not even myself.

i've been somewhat keeping up with BB23 and i'm trying to incorporate Tiffany into my game. i love how she is in everyone's ears where people think she is looking out for them, but it's in a way to benefit her own game. i think that's the game i am being inspired by for this season

~ Do you have a specific target right now? If yes, who?

- hmm Sam Gardner. Dorothy Gale. Ember McLain. i think they are well connected and really know how to get information out of people.

- from "my side" Debbie Jellinsky will have to go soon. and so will Cruella. I love Ted but if he is too messy and exposing himself that's not my problem. just leave me out of it

~ What are your thoughts on people making group chats pre game to talk about possibly being cast on this season. Do you feel like that's cheating & what would you do if you were the host?

- i'm thinking i have fomo cause wtf Interview Corner 1f494 LMAO but for real, i'd have to see the content. like are they hinting they are casted? are they discussing character choices?

i do feel like it's an unfair advantage. cause then people know who to look for upon joining a game. i'd have to see the chats myself to determine if i would say it's cheating. but if the chat is made for the sole purpose of discussing that then more or less yeah, it's kinda cheating.

cause if the chat is maintained then there could be collaboration outside of the forum and like that's not cool. learn how to collab on the forum like the rest of us

i'd tell them to make sure Kim Ki-jung gets to the end or else their reputation will be exposed and ruined forever Razz Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Anything else you would like to share?

i love you <3

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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2021-07-25

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PostSubject: Re: Interview Corner   Interview Corner EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 9:36 pm

Houseguest Interview #3

$5 BBQ dollars if you answer by 12am EST

~ How do you feel about the season so far from a hosting side?
~ How do you feel about the season so far from a cast side?
~ How do you feel about the season so far from a personal side?
~ Who do you want to sit in those final chairs with?
~ What else do you need to do from now until the end to deserve this win?

Anything else you would like to share?

Thank you for your time & have a good Monday.
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Kim Ki-Jung

Kim Ki-Jung

Join date : 2021-07-30

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PostSubject: Re: Interview Corner   Interview Corner EmptyMon Aug 23, 2021 10:25 pm

1. i feel like yall are tired of the outside factors bullshit LOL i’m just trying to get fucked up for reunion at this point

2. i feel like it’s a solid cast as of now? no major issues. there’s drama but it’s not ugly drama. it’s funny drama.

3. ngl the pregaming stuff kind of made me feel like my efforts were pointless at times. sometimes i feel like certain people are working together from beyond the forum based on who i imagine is playing……. lol i won’t elaborate since this will be public later.

it also makes me that much more proud that i have made it this far without outside help. the help i have received has been from the allies i have cultivated within the game. whatever happens, i’m proud i’ve made it this far

4. Me duh LOL, and NTW. if not either of us i’d be content with seeing Jerry, Debbie, hell even Steve.

5. girlboss. gaslight. gatekeep. lay low, strike when necessary. maintain current alliances, plant seeds or push others to plant seeds. keep gathering information from multiple trusted sources and put 2 and 2 together. share info with a select few. pick and choose what to share, what to keep to myself.


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